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GS-signposts-hopedespairMuch of my life I’ve struggled with many of the same questions about life that you may have as well.

The doubts and fears, the cloudy perspective about life, not knowing who I was or what I was here to do or be, feeling somewhat lost and unsupported in getting to where I thought I should be in life… Struggling to bridge the gap between where I was and where I thought I wanted to go.

Oh, yes, I’d make some progress toward living the life I thought I wanted, but then I’d lose momentum and slip back into the same place. That only made it harder each time to try again. It seemed I couldn’t gain traction and get momentum. There was something I just needed to break through and throttle past. If only I could figure it out…!

Well, I finally did get not one but many breakthroughs as I kept learning and growing, even through all the mistakes I made along the way. I found several wonderful mentors who helped me see things from a totally different perspective. And I had God on my side, guiding, teaching and loving me through it all!

Lois GalloAs a Christian raised in the church (my father was a minister), I had heard the truth about life and how to live it with God’s help and power. But somehow it had never permeated into all the areas where I needed that extra power surge. I knew there had to be a way to live in power and victory everyday and overcome whatever situations or thoughts came to trip me up and bring me down.

Somehow the fact that I was a born-again Christian seemed like it should be the magic pill I needed to live my life right. But still I struggled – even though I knew where to turn for strength, and always had God to cry out to for insights. Through it all, I learned that there was so much about life I didn’t know. Things like how our mind and emotions and our body works holistically together and really does affect our spiritual life, our moods and social interactions.

I had to learn about who I was – from personality, to processing and motivational drives (what makes me tick and why I was like I was), to talents, skills and innate gifting. Not to mention my strong desires and calling towards something bigger and more important than just me. Why do I love to teach, to help others along the way? Why did I have the tendency to want to fix everybody, even though parts of me really needed “fixing” badly? Why did I get stuck with having to do everything perfectly or not at all, or found myself with “paralysis of analysis” in overthinking everything? Why am I a bottom line person – and how do I temper that with tact and kindness in delivering my message to people I care about?

Happy smiling group of young friends staying together outdoor in the park

You can see God had his work cut out with me! But as I grew in my understanding of how God made us – and that even as we are all different and all at different stages in our growth and understanding of life and spiritual things – He still loves us just the same!

There is nothing you or I can do to make God love us any more – or any less.  His love of us is not conditional. It is not based on your performance. You cannot possibly disappoint God with anything you have ever done or could ever do.

His love and grace and forgiveness are there for you – now and forever. The biggest hurdle is your own unwillingness to accept his forgiveness for yourself. It seems forgiving yourself and getting over your past mistakes is a big area for us all. And it’s also the biggest tool that your enemy the devil uses to keep you down and defeated. He doesn’t have to worry about bringing us down, as we are great at beating ourselves up and staying in the condemnation zone.

Doctor and patient. Isolated on white

The good news is that when you become aware of how you are thinking, what you are believing, and can separate what is the truth from the lies about who you really are, you can start having those breakthrough moments much more often.

There are ways to begin living in victory and taking on the power that God meant for us. After all, Jesus died to give us his Resurrection Power. So let’s not waste it! Jesus told his disciples (and that includes us today) that once the power of the Holy Spirit came upon them, that “Greater things than this shall you do.” He was referring to the miracles of healing and bringing life and release to dead bodies and tormented spirits. That is the power available to each one of us when we are in that intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, who first set us free!

11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.  12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. -John 14:11-13, New International Version (NIV)

Being Set Free – What does that really mean? Check it out here!