Monthly Archives: January 2017

What Would They Think?!

You’ve probably heard that country song with the line, “Let’s give them something to talk about!” I’m not exactly telling you to go do something against your moral standard or values system. But I am encouraging you to stop measuring everything you do by how others might interpret it and how the gossip wheel might […]

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Do You Know or KNOW?

Knowledge about something, no matter how extensive, doesn’t equate to experiencing it for yourself. I can think of a lot of areas where this applies (including in relationships), but here’s an example you may relate to. Think about the difference between reading about how millionaires think and how they made their millions versus actually following […]

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Staying Out of the Guilt, Shame, Judgment and Condemnation Zone

Ever wondered what it would be like to feel totally free – to have NO guilt or shame, or feel NO judgment or condemnation pulling you down? Want to find out? Take a moment to do this simple exercise with me now… > Stop and breathe in deeply, filling yourself up with that free open space where there […]

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What Are You Thinking About?

What are you thinking about most? Are you expecting good things and looking for blessings, breakthroughs and miracles to unfold? Or are you waiting for the other shoe to drop, piling up all the things that are not working for you or that you’re worried will go wrong soon? Perhaps you haven’t really thought about […]

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Living Life Backward

You may have heard some jokes about what it would be like if we lived our lives backwards – where we were born as an old person and got a younger body as we got older and wiser. Our teenage years would be a lot more fun and certainly different than most of us remembered! […]

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