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A New Way of Thinking

What are you thinking about? What are you focusing on? What results are showing up in your life?

Stopping a moment from time to time to take an inventory snapshot of where you are in relation to the bigger picture goals you have in mind is an important stop to make.

If you are not enjoying the results in your life – either your personal or business life – then it’s time to shift your thinking to a new perspective that will support you in obtaining the results you truly desire.
The first thing to do is to NOT beat yourself up if your life isn’t perfectly on course. Often these detours or side trips have a way of preparing you mentally and emotionally. Plus they can set you up positionally for an even better place when you move from exactly where you are now. You’ll also get there faster and enjoy the view more by looking forward, rather than focusing on the rear view mirror view.

Life brings you clues so you can course correct if you’re not seeing the results you truly want. That’s how pilots fly airplanes, how business owners run businesses. They try different things, look at the results and the data, then tweak and adjust their actions as needed to get where they want to go.

The same applies to your goals and dreams. You need a big picture, a strategic vision, a destination to aim for. Once you have a specific target in mind, it is easier to build the ladder or bridge or steps to get there.

One of the biggest problems that sabotages people on the way to their destination is losing focus and forgetting where they are going. It can be easy to get side-tracked. But as long as you keep your intended destination firmly planted in your mind, it will guarantee you get there.

One key factor in making sure you take the proper actions to move you there is to ask the question: What is the One Thing I need to do NEXT to move toward my goal? Then no matter how you feel about doing it, just buck up and get it done, reminding yourself how great you’ll feel once it’s done and in place. If it is something you are not good at or really don’t want to do but can afford to delegate or hire someone else to do it, then by all means, go for it. Whatever it takes – just get it done. Don’t let any little step on the way become a growing obstacle that keeps you from reaching your goal.

I hope these tips on helping you think and therefore ACT a little differently will be the tiny shift in your perspective enough to get you past where you might be stuck right now.

Count the joys along the way as you are getting it done. Your Future Me will be thanking you for the actions you take today!

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