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A Simple Thank You!

The other night as I got in the car and set out to a meeting that was about 45 minutes away, I glanced at the gas gauge as I habitually do to make sure I would have plenty of gas to get there and back. Then I smiled! I had a full tank of gas that my husband must have just topped off for me that day, knowing I would be travelling a ways.

That kind act brought to mind a flood of so many other things he does to keep things functioning well and in order in our lives. I made a mental note to be sure to thank him for all those little things. I wanted to make sure he knew that I did notice them and appreciated them and did not take anything for granted.

So today I made sure to tell him what a blessing he is to me for all the tasks he does to stay proactively ahead of the curve in caring for the home and for me. He gave me a hug and said he was rushing off to pick up some groceries for a new recipe he wanted to try for us tonight, plus a quick work out at the gym. He knows I like his muscles, and he wants to stay in shape for his good health. How blessed I am!

All this got me to thinking about the gratitude habit, where we constantly notice and stay grateful for everything we have. This includes future opportunities and even things that we don’t like that are making us strong and growing our character and discipline! When I am grateful, I can’t help but to smile and speak out my gratefulness, especially to those contributing to it.

This brought me full circle with overflowing thanks to my Heavenly Father, who is the Source of every good gift and who delights in surprising his children. What a good trail back to the Father, when we see a reflection of his love for us in the simplest of things, and then make a habit of thanking and praising him. In this we acknowledge him for who he is and give him the honor due his name and nature.

If this is a habit that you’d like to get more into, start practicing with all the little things that make your life more pleasant or convenient, then the big things here for your shelter, protection and health, then move on to the people he has placed in your life and the lessons God is showing you through it all. Finally, you may want to admire his creation and express your delight. He planned out every amazing creature and every tiny or massive bit of beauty for your amazement and to point you to him, who delights in YOU!

There are so many wonderful Psalms that express some of this wonder and praise of God and all he has given us to enjoy. You may want to flip over there now to let your praises flow more freely, or to prime your praise pump if you need it!

Here are a few you can click on to get you started today: Psalm 150   Psalm 146   Psalm 113   Psalm 106:1-2

Just a note to remind myself, as well as you, if you need it: While it may be easy to praise God, sometimes it’s not as easy or in our scope of “to do’s” to express our appreciation to those who do so many little things for us.

Reminder: Bless those with your words of appreciation whom God has put in your life to bless you!


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