Best Father Ever
- 17
- Jun
Sometimes a special holiday like Father’s Day can be painful.
Perhaps your father has passed away and you feel a sense of loss or just miss the relationship you had with him when you knew he was always there for help, support, advice or just as a friend or mentor to you.
Maybe your father left your life along the way for some reason. Whether or not you understand it, you feel abandoned in some way and hurt or disappointed in other ways.
It could be you or he allowed some misunderstanding, disagreement, differing points of view or some incident or hurt get in between you and you feel somehow estranged.
It was impressed upon my spirit today to speak these words to you:
If your heart is aching in some way today, or whenever you think of your earthly father, remember we are not given perfect fathers. We ourselves cannot be a perfect parent to our own children. It is grace we need to allow in here – toward both ourselves and others imperfect as we all are.
One thing we can know for sure is that our Heavenly Father IS a perfect Father. He is a father to the fatherless. He is a husband to the husbandless. He is nothing but pure LOVE – based not on how well we perform, but on who we are and Whose we are.
His divine unconditional love means just that – there are no conditions or rules for when he loves us. Since he IS love, he cannot ever NOT love us! This means that nothing you could ever do will change how God feels about you and how he sees you – nor how much he loves you. Not any good you do or any bad you do or have done.
As his child, not only can and will he meet all of your needs. (I know! Sometimes we just forget to ask!) Most of all he desires that intimate relationship and close connection with you as a good father to his children. It’s that “bouncing on his knee” kind of fun and fellowship together sharing a good laugh – as well as the times when you get so tired and he carries you in his arms to tuck you all cozy into your place of rest till you are refreshed and restored.
You are the apple of his eye. He delights in you!
Your Heavenly Father is a good, good God. He has nothing but your best interests at heart.
You were so worth loving and dying for that he thought you were important enough to give up his own Beloved Son Jesus to die in your place. Who does that?!
He wanted you to be covered with his righteousness and forgiveness, so you could break free to be who you were meant to be from the beginning in the Father’s great plan for you.
Wow! I hope you take some time to get this down in your bones!
To know how much God the Father loves you will forever change your life.
Let him lavish you with his love today! Ask him to show up and speak in your heart language that only he knows. If you’re looking and listening, expecting, he will amaze you with the love messages he has for you. Those little love notes are written everywhere, even across the sky, or in the sand, in a garden, from a child’s lips, or even in the wag of a dog’s tail and snuggle at just the right time. Or just in the timing of everything happening in exactly the right way as if my magic!
Stay connected to him so he can continue to pour his love and life into you – and you can really live and experience the flow of his love ongoing. As you do, you can be sure it will spill over and splash on others around you.
Maybe you will find yourself naturally being even more of this special kind of father or mother whose love overflows into their children and impacting generations to come.
It’s never too late to let God be your “Best Father Ever!”