Lessons From Masada – Part 2
- 25
- Apr

I wonder about the dreams those Jewish rebels living in Masada had for themselves and their families… And I wonder about the dreams in me that are struggling to be heard and given life to, but that I am somehow fighting by unconscious fears or resisting doing what I know I should do to nurture […]
Continue Reading...Lessons From Masada – Part 1
- 24
- Apr

When I was in Israel recently, we visited a place called Masada. An interesting but sad event took place there that I couldn’t help but think more about. I wondered how I would have felt and what I might have done if I was in that situation. Perhaps you’ve seen the movie about this historical […]
- 23
- Apr

I recently returned from an amazing and eye-opening trip to Israel. A group of 51 of us traveled together throughout this small but important country, hitting many highlights on our 12-day journey by motor coach. It was led by our pastor and his wife, Dr. Dan & Rhonda Backens, who poured their passion for the […]
Continue Reading...Speaking About Miracles…
- 27
- Oct

This week I had the privilege of being a returning guest on the radio show of a good friend, Pastor JoAnne Ramsay. On Speak The Word Live we shared great conversation which included principles and experiences on the following topics: How God guides and directs us How God answers our prayers – and even what […]
Continue Reading...Love Encounter
- 19
- Sep

Most of the time we cannot get our little minds around the vastness of God’s enormous love for us. If you are ready for a drink from the Fountain of Love, play the video below and soak your spirit and give every cell a bath in your Heavenly Father and Creator’s magnificent love – just […]
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Any given day we can get stuck in the muck and mire of life’s sticky little problems and annoyances. We can sputter and flail in a sea of overwhelm or confusion and have a hard time seeing clearly. Sometimes we can even get lost and forget who we are and what our life is supposed to […]
Continue Reading...Speak The Word of FAITH
- 27
- Jul

If you didn’t get a chance to tune in yesterday to the live radio show I did with Pastor Jo Anne Ramsay of Speak The Word Ministry, I have posted the recording for you to listen to above. We discussed many things around the topic of Faith. It was a lively discussion with stories […]
Continue Reading...- Lois Gallo
- Breaking Free, Faith Lessons, Freedom, God's Promises, Life Lessons, Power for Living
- Post Tagged with Faith, Healing, Prayer, radio show
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I’m thrilled to have been invited as a guest on Pastor Jo Ramsay’s radio broadcast tomorrow – Wed., July 26th from 1-2 p.m. ET You can tune in either on the radio station 1110 AM or online at WKQAradio.com It’s a live call-in show where you can share your prayer requests or praise reports as well. We’ll be talking […]
Continue Reading...- Lois Gallo
- Breaking Free, Breakthrough Thinking, Faith Lessons, Freedom, God's Promises, Life Lessons, Power for Living
- Post Tagged with radio show
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The Galilee Love Walk
- 26
- Jun

Recently I have stumbled upon a beautiful way to encounter Jesus and hear what God has to say to you. It is through listening to some quiet soaking music, the kind with no words and no distinct melody, but a flow of musical notes like a river of sweetness. The 30-minute source I discovered is […]
Continue Reading...Streams of Living Water
- 14
- May

Sometimes when you have been running at top speed for a while, or things come at you hard and fast, it’s important to take some time to decompress, to be quiet and allow your body and soul to re-create itself. Nothing is as refreshing as the sounds of water – or a drink of pure […]
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