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Multiplied Blessings

What blessings are you missing out on today because you have not stopped to look for them? Take a minute right now to stop and look around you. What is in your life that you are so grateful for? Do you have lovely items in your home that mean something to you, or make you […]

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Holiday Party Invitations: Should I Go Or Should I Stay?

What happenings are you letting into your life through the places you keep visiting in your mind and heart? Whatever you open the door and say Yes to habitually, can come in and settle there, having a party and bringing its guests, whether savory or unsavory companions. Be sure you know the facts, so you can […]

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Tasty Treats From God’s Heart To Yours

This is the season where there are so many tasty treats served in people’s homes, at parties and events, and even in stores and public places to welcome you. All the cooking shows and special guest features seem to be around holiday baking and feasting on the latest trendy goodies. It’s easy to get caught up […]

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Your Reactions Are Showing

This is probably something you don’t hear much any more, but did you ever hear someone say, “Pardon me, but your slip is showing!” They were trying to be helpful and keep you from embarrassing yourself, or losing your slip altogether (which I actually had happen on one occasion!). One of the classic comedians, I […]

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God often speaks in stories. Jesus’ parables were  stories filled with symbolism, based on life and natural world principles. How has God been speaking to you lately? What life and faith lessons is he bringing to your attention? What longings in your heart has he been stirring up? What good things has he been giving […]

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“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV)* This definition involves the unseen and ties into your core beliefs. What you base your thought choices on is what you believe will occur. You are having faith in those beliefs to take you to a […]

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Just another ordinary day! What is ordinary to you may be extraordinary to someone else. The quality of your “ordinary” Every Day is up to you –  both to interpret as a great day or not – and to choose the type of day you experience, as a general rule. We go through stuff everyday […]

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Don’t Let Past Fears Haunt Down Your Future

  You’ve heard the saying, “Let bygones be bygones.” But what if you’ve kept piling up and dragging along all the bygones that you should have say “Bye Bye!” to? It is never too late to release the old stinky baggage that puts a permanent energy drag on your life. After all, think what it’s […]

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The Colors of Your Life – What Rainbows Are Made Of

I believe we need all the colors in our life to paint the most beautiful picture for others to see. Even the dark and drab colors have their purpose. They make the brighter ones pop even more. That’s one thing I learned in my oil painting classes. The same goes for the colors of situations […]

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Life Words – Your Best Gift

What is YOUR Best Gift? Have you figured that out yet? For those with many gifts, it can be hard to determine the best one to share. I’ve had that challenge over the years, but I’ve come to see how all the various abilities I have seem to have an overriding desire. My motivation behind […]

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