Home » Breakthrough Thinking

Breakthrough Thinking

Everything begins in your mind.brain -mind power

Nothing was created, nothing happened until it first became a thought… with actions following to bring it into reality.

Are you living your “dream life” – or something less?

If your life is something less than the way you desire it to be, let’s talk about how to reboot your mind and get it working FOR you instead of against you in those challenge areas.

What you believe about life is what is showing up for you.

Do you believe life is hard, you have to struggle and fight to get what you want?

Are you stuck somewhere with an issue that keeps returning and you just can’t seem to break through and gain ground and victory there?

Perhaps it’s time to gain a different perspective about where you are now. And where you can go.

Do you even know where you want to go, what you want your life to be about, what your gifts and calling are – and how to manage your daily life in the meantime?

There is hope – and a helping hand!

Image of happy woman with outstretched arms standing in field

Welcome to a place of refreshing and victory! I’m your hostess for this faith journey, Lois Gallo. I’ll be signing my posts as Lois Joy, which means “Warrior for Joy!”

My mission is to raise high the banner of victory and triumph over life’s everyday challenges. I’d like to help you take the struggle out of living, and break free to live with joy every day, with a healthy dose of peace and love to go along with it.

I’ve been where you are – and am still a work in progress!

If you’d like to read more about my background and struggles, why and how I love to share what I’ve found works well, check out the About page.

Otherwise, I’ll share my stories along the way as I reveal wonderful insights that I’ve found out about the real world – even from nature and the study of how we behave and think and how our bodies work + why the biblical principles for a healthy vibrant and joy-filled life really work! God knew what he was doing when he set up the world and gave us his Word to guide us. But sometimes we just need a little help to understand it and put it all together in this modern world we live in, don’t we?!

To connect with what speaks to your heart most, check out the Blog Posts to find help and power for your life today.  You can even visit (and Like!) my Facebook page for small bites almost daily and links to the posts. I put out a free newsletter with insights, events, and more every month or so as needed. You can sign up for that on the top right side of this page.

I have some RESOURCES to help you – both free and paid, depending on your needs and desires.

Right now you can go through my complimentary program “Living in Victory, Power, and Love Everyday” which can really jump-start the breakthroughs as you start living in the miracle zone!

I also offer a one on one coaching program by phone. Get more information plus an offer for a complimentary Breakthrough session with me.

There is no reason to keep on being stuck, frustrated or living a frozen joyless life! Hope and life and love and answers are here for you – if you’re ready to accept them and try them on for size.

Lois Gallo


Decide Today to Walk in Your Blessings!

Lois Joy
