Category Archives: Breakthrough Thinking

A New Way of Thinking

What are you thinking about? What are you focusing on? What results are showing up in your life? Stopping a moment from time to time to take an inventory snapshot of where you are in relation to the bigger picture goals you have in mind is an important stop to make. If you are not […]

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Comfort Zone Or Not?

Needing to make some changes in your life? When one year ends and another one begins, it seems natural to take some time for reflection on where you are and where you want to go. What goals or dreams are still on the shelf that you are ready to dust off and give a place […]

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What’s Your Super Power?

It seems the latest buzz word people are tossing around is about everyone’s “Super Power.” You may have seen them on mugs and t-shirts or elsewhere – things like “I’m a Nurse. What’s your Super Power?” – or a Mom, Fireman, Teacher, Electrician, Student – you get the idea. I guess it relates back to […]

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Savoring The Moments

Hustling and bustling more than usual lately? My recommendation? Have yourself a little cookie and tea Savor-y time! Put on the kettle (or microwave!) and just take a moment of reflection and refreshment for your body, soul and spirit. Ahhh!!! Feelin’ good! Breathing slower and deeper now… Not only will this be a gift to […]

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Plan on Going Higher This Coming Year?

This is the time of year many of us are reviewing the past year and setting our sights on new goals and dreams for the new year. This year, why not set yourself up for true success in reaching the goals and dreams you have for 2017? When you come from the right place mentally, […]

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Multiplied Blessings

What blessings are you missing out on today because you have not stopped to look for them? Take a minute right now to stop and look around you. What is in your life that you are so grateful for? Do you have lovely items in your home that mean something to you, or make you […]

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Holiday Party Invitations: Should I Go Or Should I Stay?

What happenings are you letting into your life through the places you keep visiting in your mind and heart? Whatever you open the door and say Yes to habitually, can come in and settle there, having a party and bringing its guests, whether savory or unsavory companions. Be sure you know the facts, so you can […]

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Your Reactions Are Showing

This is probably something you don’t hear much any more, but did you ever hear someone say, “Pardon me, but your slip is showing!” They were trying to be helpful and keep you from embarrassing yourself, or losing your slip altogether (which I actually had happen on one occasion!). One of the classic comedians, I […]

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God often speaks in stories. Jesus’ parables were  stories filled with symbolism, based on life and natural world principles. How has God been speaking to you lately? What life and faith lessons is he bringing to your attention? What longings in your heart has he been stirring up? What good things has he been giving […]

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“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV)* This definition involves the unseen and ties into your core beliefs. What you base your thought choices on is what you believe will occur. You are having faith in those beliefs to take you to a […]

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