Category Archives: Breakthrough Thinking


Just another ordinary day! What is ordinary to you may be extraordinary to someone else. The quality of your “ordinary” Every Day is up to you –  both to interpret as a great day or not – and to choose the type of day you experience, as a general rule. We go through stuff everyday […]

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Don’t Let Past Fears Haunt Down Your Future

  You’ve heard the saying, “Let bygones be bygones.” But what if you’ve kept piling up and dragging along all the bygones that you should have say “Bye Bye!” to? It is never too late to release the old stinky baggage that puts a permanent energy drag on your life. After all, think what it’s […]

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The Colors of Your Life – What Rainbows Are Made Of

I believe we need all the colors in our life to paint the most beautiful picture for others to see. Even the dark and drab colors have their purpose. They make the brighter ones pop even more. That’s one thing I learned in my oil painting classes. The same goes for the colors of situations […]

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Life Words – Your Best Gift

What is YOUR Best Gift? Have you figured that out yet? For those with many gifts, it can be hard to determine the best one to share. I’ve had that challenge over the years, but I’ve come to see how all the various abilities I have seem to have an overriding desire. My motivation behind […]

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Want To Break Through To A Better Life?

We all have them: Days we dream of a better life, getting out of our same-old same-old routine, making faster progress toward a long-held dream… Wouldn’t it be nice to just get unstuck, stop feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, or break out of that one habit pattern that keeps cropping up and putting the […]

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Living in Victory, Power and Love

It’s been a joy to develop my latest program for various small group studies. I’ve designed it to be used as a guide to living daily with more Victory, Power, and Love flowing naturally and habitually in your life. If you are ready to transform your mind and your life, you’ll want to check out […]

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Being Set Free

Being Set Free – What does that really mean? Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. – John 8:35-37, New International Version (NIV) This indicates that you must first […]

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The TIME Of Your Life

“What a difference a day makes – 24 little hours…”  Remember that song? Or the one that says, “If I could put time in a bottle…“ These songs certainly do chronicle the need to pay attention to the moment, and to make sure we are filling our days up with things we value. TIME to […]

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