Speaking About Miracles…
- 27
- Oct

This week I had the privilege of being a returning guest on the radio show of a good friend, Pastor JoAnne Ramsay. On Speak The Word Live we shared great conversation which included principles and experiences on the following topics: How God guides and directs us How God answers our prayers – and even what […]
Continue Reading...Love Encounter
- 19
- Sep

Most of the time we cannot get our little minds around the vastness of God’s enormous love for us. If you are ready for a drink from the Fountain of Love, play the video below and soak your spirit and give every cell a bath in your Heavenly Father and Creator’s magnificent love – just […]
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Any given day we can get stuck in the muck and mire of life’s sticky little problems and annoyances. We can sputter and flail in a sea of overwhelm or confusion and have a hard time seeing clearly. Sometimes we can even get lost and forget who we are and what our life is supposed to […]
Continue Reading...Streams of Living Water
- 14
- May

Sometimes when you have been running at top speed for a while, or things come at you hard and fast, it’s important to take some time to decompress, to be quiet and allow your body and soul to re-create itself. Nothing is as refreshing as the sounds of water – or a drink of pure […]
Continue Reading...Unleash Your Joy!
- 19
- Apr

Have you ever been irritated by someone who was so joyous and bubbly that it made you mad?! I can bet that you were probably having a down day. Perhaps you unconsciously wished everyone would gather round, give you a hug and say, “Ah, Poor thing!” and join in on your pity party. The last […]
Continue Reading...- Lois Gallo
- Breaking Free, Breakthrough Thinking, Faith Lessons, FAVOR, Freedom, Gifts, God's Glory, God's Promises, Life Lessons, Power for Living
- Post Tagged with health, Joy, Laughter, Praise, Thinking Right
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Permission To Be Blessed!
- 12
- Mar

Do you believe God is the giver of good gifts to you? I hope you said a resounding “Yes!” Sometimes the gifts he has for us sit around gathering dust, as we don’t realize they’re there, or forget to look for them. Open your gifts! They are piling up waiting for you. If you don’t […]
Continue Reading...Who Does God Say You Are?
- 04
- Feb

Sometimes I realize that my heart bank can become depleted from not remembering how great is God’s love for me. Just like in personal relationships, it can grow cold if not constantly reinforced in a positive way. Do you ever really get tired of someone telling you every day they love you and showing you how much […]
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If you are the type of person that speaks, writes, performs, ministers, or serves God in some way through your gifts (most of us, I presume!), you can occasionally get worn out and start wondering if any of it matters, or if you’re even doing what you’re supposed to be doing! At times like that, […]
Continue Reading...The FAVOR Bubble
- 19
- Jan

The FAVOR of God is upon you today! Where do you need favor? God is waiting to pour out his blessings on you in every area. This is his abundant design for your life – his plans are to prosper you in every area of your life – to give you a hope by knowing […]
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