Any given day we can get stuck in the muck and mire of life’s sticky little problems and annoyances. We can sputter and flail in a sea of overwhelm or confusion and have a hard time seeing clearly. Sometimes we can even get lost and forget who we are and what our life is supposed to […]
Continue Reading...Permission To Be Blessed!
- 12
- Mar

Do you believe God is the giver of good gifts to you? I hope you said a resounding “Yes!” Sometimes the gifts he has for us sit around gathering dust, as we don’t realize they’re there, or forget to look for them. Open your gifts! They are piling up waiting for you. If you don’t […]
Continue Reading...Share Your Story
- 22
- Feb

If you have a great story to share to bless and encourage others, perhaps one that became your message from a messy past experience where you overcome some challenge, I entreat you to step up to the plate and give this gift to others! Here are a few tips to make it easy for you […]
Continue Reading...Breakthrough To Your Story
- 13
- Feb

We all have stories. Some are finished and ready to tell, but there may be other stories we’re still in the middle of. Places in our hearts and lives where the truth is not yet revealed to us and the blessings on the other side are waiting to be discovered. Perhaps you have a story waiting […]
Continue Reading...From Mess to Message
- 07
- Feb

Everybody loves a story! Especially when it’s one they can relate to. And we all like to hear about challenges where the underdog became the hero, as she found a way to solve the problem she was in. What if somebody was to read YOUR story today? What tales of challenges and overcoming would it […]
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If you are the type of person that speaks, writes, performs, ministers, or serves God in some way through your gifts (most of us, I presume!), you can occasionally get worn out and start wondering if any of it matters, or if you’re even doing what you’re supposed to be doing! At times like that, […]
Continue Reading...Three Bones
- 26
- Jan

I saw this quote in a couple of places recently and thought how helpful it can be to remember. We definitely need to take the time to dream, and then to take the appropriate action steps to move forward to it. But sometimes we get stuck along the way. Stepping back, taking a breath in […]
Continue Reading...Design, Align, Act
- 24
- Jan

Still dreaming about what you want to do, be, have in your life this year? These three simple elements will get you where you really want to go much faster! DESIGN Design your dream life. Have a clear and compelling vision for what you truly want to bring into your life. Give yourself permission to […]
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