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Do You Know or KNOW?

Knowledge about something, no matter how extensive, doesn’t equate to experiencing it for yourself.

I can think of a lot of areas where this applies (including in relationships), but here’s an example you may relate to. Think about the difference between reading about how millionaires think and how they made their millions versus actually following in their footsteps to make your own millions.

The big difference here is you are either in the learning mode and even in the dreaming mode, but have not yet crossed over into the doing mode. You may have taken a few steps, tried a few things out. Your learning may be inspiring you to take more steps toward your goal or dream. However, when things get tough and you’re not sure where to turn or how to overcome the obstacles, that’s where the real experience of someone who’s already been there and done that can help push or lead you through the hard places and on to success.

Sometimes it’s hard to get started in the transition from learning to actually applying what you’re learning. You may be afraid it won’t work like you learned, or that you won’t be able to do it as easily as it seemed when you were reading about it. It probably feels safer (and certainly easier) to keep learning more about it and stay in the wishing or dreaming mode.

“Wishing won’t make it so!” you’ve heard. Why not take the time to determine whether or not you should even keep feeding your dream and wasting any more time learning about something you will never really get up enough courage to try for yourself? Buck up, step out and take some steps forward. You may find you actually enjoy it, as you’d imagined, but now can feel empowered as you are actually experiencing it and moving forward. If the opposite is true – and the downhill slalom skiing you’ve been reading about and watching on You Tube is too scary, too expensive to pursue, not practical to try, or some other reason that makes sense to you, then just face it and make a conscious decision: either continue to enjoy it as a fantasy or get a mentor who can help you overcome your fears and find out what you don’t know that you don’t know until  you actually start doing it. Make sense?

Once you decide to either DO IT or DROP IT, you have more energy to direct either way. If you decide to drop it for now, it frees up more space in your mind and life and opens your perspective to look for something else that perhaps you CAN build a dream on that you will actually pursue and experience. These experiences, not just the facts about them, all add to the richness of your life.

I do know from personal experience that you can get so caught up in the learning that you feel as if you’ve already done it in your mind. And you can easily get stuck in the habit of learning and talking about it, but never actually saying, “This is it! I’m just going to go for it!”

Is there something that you have been dreaming about and learning about for awhile, but haven’t yet started moving toward with real gusto? Maybe no one has challenged you on it yet or drawn a line in the sand for you to choose to cross or go home.

That’s what friends and mentors and coaches do! They believe in you and want the best for you. They see things about your life that you don’t. We all have our blind areas.

My passion and gift is to help you to know and be who you came here to be, to develop and share your best gifts with others, and to be well paid for your passions and gifts as you serve others skillfully. I believe in you probably more than you believe in yourself, even though I may not yet personally know you.

Most people undervalue greatly the treasure they have inside them to offer the world. Your treasure is often disguised by what you do that is fun and seems easy for you. It’s hard for you to believe sometimes that everyone else can’t do it as well as you. But that is a huge clue to your innate gifting – and can also be a hint of a path to both service and income that can light up your life and others the more you share your gift.

Here’s another thought and clue to help you identify this special type of gifting many have…

What areas can you say “been there, done that,” where you’ve had a measure of success that you could help others achieve? If helping others this way appeals to you, you have a teacher’s or mentor’s heart. It may be one of your gifts or calling for you to step up and serve others through teaching and/or mentoring.

Now it’s time to apply this and take action!

  • Choose an area in your life where you are enjoying the learning, but perhaps seem stalled or unfulfilled there, or have an urge to go deeper and start taking action.
  • Learn what you need to learn.
  • Decide what you want to do about it – to go for it or not.
  • Then take the appropriate action.
  • Go and Do! And be sure to get some help from a coach or mentor who can help you be more successful and enjoy the journey a whole lot more along the way!


If you’d like to run your thoughts or ideas by me to get clarity to move ahead with your goal or dream, I offer a Breakthrough Session, normally $297, that is complimentary for a limited time. Read more here and set up a session with me.  I promise you will be glad you did!


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