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Don’t Let Past Fears Haunt Down Your Future


You’ve heard the saying, “Let bygones be bygones.”

But what if you’ve kept piling up and dragging along all the bygones that you should have say “Bye Bye!” to?

It is never too late to release the old stinky baggage that puts a permanent energy drag on your life. After all, think what it’s costing you: Your Amazing FUTURE! Not to mention an amazing Right NOW!

What if you dropped all your fears and did it anyway?

What if you forgave yourself for all your past mistakes, realizing that with nothing ventured or risks taken there would be no chance to move forward or to learn from your mistakes and move on stronger and smarter? So congratulate yourself on taking action at least, even if things didn’t turn out the way you hoped. Next time, plan to fail faster so you can move ahead faster. That’s how smart business people find out what works the best: they try different things and see which is the most effective.

When you apply those same principles to your life decisions, no matter how large or small, you too are learning what works best or not. Decide to live smarter and keep on learning from your life lessons. Forgive yourself quickly for things you thought you already learned, and be ready to boldly conquer new territory to get where you really want to go. Better to fail big than never try at all. That’s the only chance you’ll have to win big in the future.

So say “Boo!” and good riddance to your boo-hoo’s about what’s done and can’t be changed. Say “Boo!” right back to the things that scare you – and just keep on moving forward. That’s the only way to test ghostly apparitions to make sure they are just that: only thinly veiled unfamiliar opportunities that can be turned into future blessings.

The best boo is a “Boo-YAH!” as you step up and go for it, charging boldly into unfamiliar territory and onto the next life lesson with gusto! You are one step closer to your dreams in every area, as you step out wiser and more prepared for success with each boisterous declaration of courage. You, my friend, will never be defeated. You are unstoppable.

Wow! Stop and think about that for a minute. What could and would you do if you knew that you were unstoppable? That whatever you put your hand to, you would eventually succeed at?

Confidence can get you a lot of miles – and smiles – when you let it take you where you need to go. I think that’s why a lot of people like the Star Trek mission: “To boldly go where no man has gone before.” When you apply that to your life challenges, you are inspired to dream big and step boldly through your fears into the unknown… which then becomes known, and perhaps not so scary after all!

For some extra blessings, be encouraged here:

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