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Just another ordinary day!

What is ordinary to you may be extraordinary to someone else.

The quality of your “ordinary” Every Day is up to you –  both to interpret as a great day or not – and to choose the type of day you experience, as a general rule.

We go through stuff everyday – both good and bad – with decisions big and small. Your character and how you’re living today are largely a result of those small daily decisions and thought processes that became habits over time.

If you aren’t happy with your “Everydays,” then shifting the way you think and make decisions, plus some of the little things you do as a result, is a way to uplevel your life on a daily basis, wouldn’t you agree? It’s basically reverse engineering the process that got you to “Here” and determining the part that needs changing to get you to “There,” where you really desire to go.

You make choices – you have thoughts – good and not so good, but you decide what to give your time to and make space for. Those things determine your present and your future experiences and lifestyle quality. You can choose to make it heaven or hell on earth for you and those around you.

What you are in the habit of choosing becomes in essence a self-fulling prophecy. If your thought patterns focus more on being grateful for what you already have, and expecting more good things to come your way, you will find amazing gifts, loving acts of kindness, and healthy relationships seeking you out. The same thing applies to the mind that is constantly worried and stressed about everything, and is just waiting for the other shoe to drop. What you look for will appear! 

How can you change your thinking and habits then to get to “There” faster?  First, start thinking about what you’re thinking about. Awareness is the beginning.

Not only does it involve being aware of which thoughts you’re focusing on most, but also aware of those small decisions and daily habits that ultimately form the pattern for what shows up in your life. Open your thinking and beliefs and expand your Faith so things can and will change in the future for your good, as you allow it and do your part.

Stay tuned for Part 2: Faith coming next!



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