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From Mess to Message

Everybody loves a story! Especially when it’s one they can relate to. And we all like to hear about challenges where the underdog became the hero, as she found a way to solve the problem she was in.

What if somebody was to read YOUR story today? What tales of challenges and overcoming would it reveal? What nuggets of truth to empower others?

Is your story one of power and victory? Does it have love, peace, and joy flowing through it on a regular basis? Is it a happy giving, living, “being excited to share your gifts and live in your purpose every day” type of story?

Or is yours a story waiting to be written? Maybe you’re still struggling with getting through to the other side of your story, even though there are some breakthroughs or glimpses of light through it all. Maybe all of it is written except the last chapter, and you’re just not sure how that will end for this season in your life. (For tips to get through this season faster, read Breakthrough To Your Story).

Well, wherever you are right now, the story you have either come through in the past or are going through at the moment can be transformed into a blessing to countless numbers of people in the very near future.

Whaaat?! Yes, you read me right! Your story can be a blessing to many, if you choose to live it, learn and heal from it, and share it with others who will need it as well.

AND this might be the actual exciting pathway for you to find your purpose and calling, as well as even to BREAKOUT of any issues weighing you down, holding you back, or keeping you stuck or lost! Or to receive further growth and perspective if you’ve already overcome the heartaches from the past.

If you’re ready to start taking the lessons you’ve learned from the pain or mess of the past, start writing and speaking your story, sharing those lessons as you find opportunities.

For TIPS on how to get started quickly and easily, read Share Your Story.

Will you step up to be the answer to someone’s desperate prayer?

I would love to help you get your message and breakthrough story out to the world to bless others. If you’d like to learn more about how that can happen and how I can help or encourage you, please contact me. I’d love to have a personal conversation with you to see how God may want to use your story to bring him glory as you help others going through similar circumstances.


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