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Holiday Party Invitations: Should I Go Or Should I Stay?

What happenings are you letting into your life through the places you keep visiting in your mind and heart?

Whatever you open the door and say Yes to habitually, can come in and settle there, having a party and bringing its guests, whether savory or unsavory companions. Be sure you know the facts, so you can wisely choose which invitations to accept and which to avoid at all costs. Here are a few Party Tips for you…

PARTY Invitations to Turn Down QUICKLY:


Pity parties can be the loneliest parties to attend. If you are the host throwing one, you’ll find no one else wants to be there with you. The truth is, many of your past guests may be off hosting their own. So they won’t read your invitation or even have time to attend yours. So save your time and don’t plan to throw one. And definitely avoid dressing up for someone else’s. They are depressing and don’t do anyone any good. Plan to give up the unhealthy diet of what is served there.


Although Misery loves company, soon the attendees will get upset and leave, as they try to one-up each other with their plight. You see, each member of the company wants to be the sole focus of the party, the star of the show. Their misery story has to be the most miserable of all for them to be the reigning Misery Champ.

Don’t give in to your story from the past – and for sure, don’t take it on as your identity. If you do, you will keep getting invited back year after year, and will be sure to have a miserable time if you stay there long – especially if you realize that others are even more miserable than you. That can be pretty depressing, to know that your sad story is not the most horrifying of them all. So plan to “Just Say NO!” to this event any time of the year! You’ll thank me later, I’m sure!

The PARTY Invitations You DO Want To Accept:


At this event, the most fun game is the Count Your Blessings game. What guests love about this game is that everyone wins, no matter how many blessings they can count at one time. The amazing thing is that long after the party, they keep finding the surprise blessings they hadn’t remembered to count at the party. And those party gifts of everyday blessings just seem to keep on coming all year long! This is definitely one party not to be missed!

Cheat sheet tip to help you excel at this game when you first get started: Instead of focusing on the past hurts and nurturing your wounds, start counting all the blessings you have right now. When you develop an attitude of gratitude, you will be amazed at the great things that start pouring into your life. Relationships will be richer and deeper. Amazing God-incidences will start happening, bringing you surprise blessings as often as you can stand! So put on your party hat and start counting!

The BLESSING Party (Aka The LOVE ON SOMEONE Who Needs It More Than You Party)

The fun of this type of party can be experienced in two ways. One is to look around for someone who doesn’t seem to be having a very good day. You can find candidates to participate with wherever you go.  Now do your magic by sharing a special blessing with them: a smile, a kind word, a good deed, or even a hug as appropriate. The secret is to do what you do best with a heart full of love and generosity. You will be rewarded, even though that isn’t the object. I do have to warn you, though: this type of game can be habit-forming. You may find yourself doing it long after the party is over.

The mystery version of this party is to show up ready to play the anonymous game, where you see someone who looks like they could use an extra-special blessing when they are down on their luck. Then go ahead and fraternize with someone to deliver your gift as or after you leave. Several friends of mine have related their joy at playing this game recently. One saw a lady struggling to pay for some food at a dollar store and gave some money to the clerk to pay for her food when she checked out next. Another friend played the “Tag, you’re it!” version. The person in front of her in the checkout line had paid for something special for her, so she passed it on to the next person in line.

The best part of this party is in getting creative – coming up with an extra kindness the intended target wouldn’t expect or delivering love in some special way. When you open your eyes and your hearts (and sometimes your wallet) to others, the joy you receive can far outweigh the gift you are giving. Again, a proper warning: You are probably going to get very addicted to doing this often throughout the year!

All of these parties will make you feel like a jolly little elf all year round! So start celebrating and get in the GOOD partying habit everyday.

“Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father above…” – James 1:17, NIV

(Read the full verse here in context, plus check out The Message version also.)

 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me….whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

(Link to full version in context – Matthew 25:35-40, NIV)

You can start playing the Blessing Game right now by sharing this post with someone you love!

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