In Times Like These…
- 18
- Mar
The most inspiration and help for me and others lately, I’ve noticed, has been in the reminder of how much God loves and cares for us and is with us in our current life situations, particularly as penned in the words of Psalm 91. This came to me and then I noticed it was shared several times in the circles around me.
I felt it was important to share this with you today. I encourage you to hold onto the words of this and draw the meaning of them as whispered love messages from the heart of God to your own heart.
I have posted a copy of it here along with download links below if you would like to print it out and post it somewhere as a reminder to stay focused and resting in God’s almighty love for you. This is the Father’s personal invitation for you to come closer, to depend on Him more. He wants you closer so He can bless you more. Chew on that one for a while!
Stay in his rest. Get the picture of God as your refuge like a large eagle keeping you sheltered from the storms of the day or night under the cover and protection of his wings. Even when that nest high up in the craggy rocks or treetop is rocking and roiling in the fierce winds and it seems like all may be tossed and lost, know that nothing that is trying to come against you will prevail in the end.
We will all come through this and be stronger because of it. Stronger in faith, stronger in love, stronger in our belief in God as well as in what He has given us the capabilities to do. Stronger even in our problem-solving abilities and resourcefulness.
Perhaps stronger in our creativity, choosing to uncover and find the sparkling gems in the opportunities before us to thrive and make this world a better place for all in some way we are uniquely talented and able to do.
Whether it’s through writing, art, music, business creativity, new ideas or inventions, teaching, being present with your children and loved ones, reaching out online or through video-conferencing to connect with groups or create new ones, or new ways of relating to people and expressing your love and concern for them – we will all be stronger and more resilient in some way.
Maybe even just having our faith in others coming through for us when we needed them and working together with others more closely and differently to solve this unique challenge as social distancing continues for a while.
Take to heart what your loving Heavenly Father wants to download into your soul as you focus on Him alone as your Protector and Provider and the Lover of your soul.
Download my special pdf version of PSALM 91 here.
Choose to walk in your blessings today!
Click on this link to save or download it as a photo. It is sized as a Pinterest post so feel free to share it in any way you would like.

- Lois Gallo
- Father's Heart, God's Promises, Life Challenges, Life Lessons, Power for Living, Prayer, Tough Times
- Post Tagged with Psalm 91
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