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God often speaks in stories. Jesus’ parables were  stories filled with symbolism, based on life and natural world principles.

How has God been speaking to you lately? What life and faith lessons is he bringing to your attention? What longings in your heart has he been stirring up? What good things has he been giving you the desire for?

You’ve heard the saying, “When the student is ready, the master (teacher) will appear.”

What if the teacher, your Master, is already here and is trying to teach you something through your life situations and relationships?

Maybe it’s time for you to be more of a Student of Life – YOUR life in particular!

The way you get better at anything is by observation, study and practice. And mistakes or “failures” (which are just learning lessons along the way) are a large part of how you learn.

They say we do the most personal and spiritual growth in and through the tough times. Are you expanding your capacity to grow – and love – and share your best gifts with the world through what is going on in your life these days?

It’s always time to just stop and live a life reflected upon that will lead to more of a No Regrets future.

  • Be thankful for today and Everyday and all your daily blessings.
  • Focus on reasons to grow your Faith not Fear, and get in the habit of moving boldly and confidently in the direction of your best life.
  • Take time to see and record your life Lessons so you can grow as you go.

Share what you’re learning so you can bless and inspire others. You will grow faster, be happier, and witness more miracles unfold in your life as you do.

Are you ready to wake up Everyday excited by what Life will bring you and enjoying being an inspiration and blessing to others?

Sounds like a great life to me! Go Live It!

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