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Life Words – Hungry For God’s Words

Do you long the hear more loving and directing whispers from God to your heart and soul?

Good news! He’s got plenty to say to you if you are looking and listening.

And the more you desire it, the more often you will receive those tasty words to feast on straight from the heart of God.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” – Psalm 34:8, NIV

It’s simply amazing the creative ways in which God finds to speak to us. Sometimes they are whispers or perhaps a nudge, a hunch or intuition about something. Other times life happenings speak to us in a special way, as a symbol or lesson to teach us, or make us aware of something.

Maybe you’ve even experienced a “God kiss” type of communication, when you get a direct answer in a natural happening that speaks volumes to you. Like the floating feather that appears just when you’re thinking about a trial you’re going through or remembering a loved one who’s passed on. Angels nearby to assist you, perhaps?!

Of course, people can speak God’s words of life to us in many situations – from preaching, teaching, sharing a story, or simply encouraging or speaking loving words directly. You can even get confirmation about a next step you need to take.

These are all times you can feel the love of God more deeply – when he uses circumstances, nature, symbols, events, and people to bring life and truth to you.

The place where his Words of Life can always be found is in the Scriptures. I like to think of the Bible as a love letter from God directly to me. I open it in anticipation of finding the loving and needed message he’ll impart to me each time.

Are you hungry for Life Words to be poured into you, to feed your hungry soul and spirit, or to drench your parched lips and life? God’s love and truth through his words of life and love are all around you, waiting to be received. I pray that your eyes and ears will be opened today to receive all the marvelous blessings and love gifts God has for you right now.

Walk in your blessings today!

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