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Life Words – Your Best Gift

lfwds-bestgftbeeWhat is YOUR Best Gift?

Have you figured that out yet?

For those with many gifts, it can be hard to determine the best one to share. I’ve had that challenge over the years, but I’ve come to see how all the various abilities I have seem to have an overriding desire. My motivation behind most of my activities is teaching and encouraging people. I use various forms of my creative bones to send love to people, as I speak life into their soul and spirit. I use whatever gifts I feel I need to express the love in a way in which the person would most be blessed to receive it. Right now I am giving you a gift through my words and graphic design.

Let me give you some more examples so you can more clearly see your own opportunities to give your gifts with joy…

Whatever rises up in you as a way to help or show someone you care about them, that is a clue to your gifting. Here are some ideas of things that you could give to others as part of your creative gifts that would be greatly appreciated.

It could be as simple as a compliment, making someone feel good about themselves, and treasured by you. Or something more involved such as cooking or baking something for them. Maybe it involves encouraging words through a greeting card, a phone call, meeting for lunch or coffee. It could be through writing a blog post, commenting on social media, sharing a book, a song, a play, a poem, an artistic expression or some other creative or crafty work you’ve done. If you are gifted in the arts, your dancing or acting, singing, painting, or costume or set design could be your gift of joy to others.

Maybe you are the type who works well with your hands. What a blessing your mechanical or carpentry gift can be to others, as an example. Engineers and architects, builders and designers, decorators and realtors – all have special gifts to give to the world.

Perhaps you are a healer. So many people need the gift you have in these times of stress on our bodies. Whether your healing touch, your diagnostic or surgical skill, or your educating on a healthier stress-relieving lifestyle, your “bedside manner” and attitude speaks volumes about your love and care for others.

Take inventory of YOUR gifts. Grab a piece of paper and start writing out all the things you can do that are appreciated or useful to others. No matter how simple or complex, your abilities and talents, or even the level of expertise you perceive you have or don’t have – just list them all. Now highlight those that you love doing the most for others. Put stars beside the ones where you are most complimented or appreciated. Can you now see more clearly how much you have to give to others – and the motivation behind your best and most thoughtful caring gifts?

Whatever strange and wonderful gift you have, someone is waiting to be blessed by it. Just give it! I promise you will be amazed by the results.

Remember, gifts are to be given freely with no expectation of return. Your rewards will come, though, in ways you could never expect. And you can never outgive God who gives us all things to enjoy.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17, NIV

I wonder what your life would be like if you went to work looking for ways to bless others with your gifts, instead of just doing what you do for a paycheck…? Hmmm! Just a thought!

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