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Living Life Backward

You may have heard some jokes about what it would be like if we lived our lives backwards – where we were born as an old person and got a younger body as we got older and wiser. Our teenage years would be a lot more fun and certainly different than most of us remembered! Then eventually we would revert to a baby’s body and be taken care of by someone who loved us and thought we were cute, as we got smaller and smaller. Hmmm! Maybe not!

Well, that way of living backward is not quite what I had in mind, but here are some thoughts on what could be reality for you, if you choose…

What if you could Live Your Life Backward?

Here is where you start with your biggest dream and the legacy you want to leave, and even what you want people to say about you (who you were, what you did, how you lived and loved).

Why not put all your energy into making that so now? Then you can live free and feel good about what your life is all about and who you have allowed yourself to become.

I imagine this would also open up more doors and loftier places to go as you move forward on this “backward” journey. It would probably also present opportunities that you never dreamed of before. Some of these new vistas you discover could amplify your results and make your life even grander and more “successful” or impactful to those you care about than you had previously thought, wished, or dreamed about. Once you took care of these things weighing heavily even in the back of your mind, you would feel lighter and have an entirely different perspective on what the rest of your life might look like.

Doesn’t this sound like a great way to live your life without the stress and strain and wondering about your purpose? You’ll find it all unfolding naturally when you actually take the path following the strongest value in your heart and making it real – sooner rather than later (which may never come).

If you like this idea of living from your greater purpose and idea of who you’re meant to be to those you leave behind, but are not quite sure what that would look like, here’s another way to help you get more clear on how this could work out for you.

Ponder on the following question…

What if you found out you only had 6 months to live? Let’s say you would have no outward signs or change in your health for the six months, and then you would be gone. What you would do or make sure you communicate or leave for your loved ones during this time?

I find that once you have this weighty question answered, and take action to put things in place, you have faced the biggest nut to crack, or perhaps the largest fear or unknown question in your life. And you feel immensely relieved and free, plus empowered to live a more quality, purposeful and love-filled life for your remaining time here. Knowing that your life does matter, and that you are leaving this earth a better place, and that you have fulfilled the greatest purpose you are able to see at this point in your life, can leave you gratified and feeling good about yourself.

All of the energy from that goodness and love can propel you to new heights and ventures when you realize that you are still here and well able to contribute and experience many more wonderful things in the remaining days, years, decades of your life. How freeing!

So resolve today to look at your life from this backward way. Put things into place and do the most important things you need to get done and said. You will thank me later as you are thanking yourself for taking action! Even more importantly, I am certain your loved ones and others impacted from your actions will be eternally grateful to you (pun intended!).

Part of my legacy and impact is in sharing the life lessons and love in my heart through writing, speaking and coaching others in order to help them live a free, purposeful and more powerful life. Right now I am making it a priority to write and speak life into my friends and family and as many people as are looking to receive this gift. You are one of the recipients of my Living Life Backward belief and plan in action. I hope this inspires you to say, do, be and give what is most important and valuable to you. By giving it away to those you love most, you are receiving the best gift you could ever receive.

I’d love to hear about how this works for you – what you are taking action on now and what about it is most important to you, as well as how you hope it will impact others. Feel free to share in the comments here, or by using the Contact email form or commenting on Facebook or elsewhere. Just Do It! 😉

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