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Multiplied Blessings

What blessings are you missing out on today because you have not stopped to look for them?

Take a minute right now to stop and look around you. What is in your life that you are so grateful for?

Do you have lovely items in your home that mean something to you, or make you smile when you look at them?

Do you enjoy having enough clothes to wear – and love wearing most of them?

Who are the people in your life that bring joy to you? Who speaks life into you?

What gives you a sense of mission or purpose?

What gifts of your heart (speaking, being, doing) do you have that you enjoy sharing with others? What gifts are others sharing with you that you enjoy receiving?

When was the last time you took a moment to watch a sunrise or sunset – or just enjoy being outdoors quiet and alone and waiting to see what happenstances of nature made themselves known? Whether they flew in, crawled by or simply waved in the wind in front of you, did you take time to be amazed at the beauty or the diversity in all the various species of flora and fauna that were all around you?

When the weather is pleasant, I enjoy eating lunch on my back deck. You can be sure that most days I bring my camera out with me, as I never know what interesting critters will show up! I have some great pictures of cool bugs, lovely birds, crazy squirrels, dragonflies on gorgeous flowers… and so much more. The smorgasbord of simple beauty from nature’s everyday miracles all around is truly amazing to behold.

Even the weather can bring its own beauty. Dewdrops on a spiderweb or frost on blades of grass… the rich colors of fall leaves or eerie icy tree skeletons… Every season and atmospheric condition speaks volumes silently, if you will but listen and behold.

When I stop to think about the zillions of different kinds of all God’s creatures sharing the physical world with us, I have to believe that if he took so much creativity in developing all this amazement for us to enjoy, how much more he must love and care for each one of his human creatures. As it says in Psalms, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” – Psalm 139:14 (Read verse in context here – another blessing for you now!)

So even if you don’t see much right now to be amazed at, you can be amazed today by how well God knows you and loves you just the way you are. Now that’s a true blessing, for sure! Rejoice in it! And start looking actively for multiple blessings everyday to be thankful for. This habit WILL change your life!


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