UPDATE: Forthcoming Book – Miracle Zone Now PUBLISHED!
Here is the link to the MiracleZoneBook.com site for more details and to order the book on Amazon – or just go direct to Amazon here.

Update for the COVER DESIGN CONCEPT from ideas below - And the winner is... a brand new design! Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions!
Miracle Zone: God At Work
by Lois Gallo
Stories of Divine Intersections Where God’s Love Meets Life Challenges Head-On
This book contains the miracle stories that Lois has shared with her friends throughout the years. She felt that someday these stories would be recorded in a book to share with more people. And that day is here!
These riveting and inspiring stories of defining moments reveal key miracles that unfolded in Lois’s life. Whether answers to prayer or signs for guidance or downloads of divine love, God met her as she cried out for help and answers.
The BEST NEWS is that these miracles are just a taste of what God can do in your life as well! Perhaps by reading these stories, you will be reminded of similar times when God has spoken dramatically through your own life events. Or you will begin to see the fingerprints of God’s love all over your life in a new way.
NOW AVAILABLE! An EXCERPT of several chapters so you can get a taste of what is coming! Just click HERE to OPEN and download the PDF file to read a few inspiring chapters now! Update: Those were unedited chapters, but you can Look Inside the book on Amazon for a few more chapters!
BELOW are a few very rough concept cover mock-ups. Which concept do you prefer? Or do you have another suggestion? We are jobbing this out to get done by a professional, but just having fun playing around with something to share the concept and feel with the designer. Send us your vote HERE with “Miracle Zone Cover” in the Message box.
#1 Mock-Up #2 Mock-Up #3 Mock-Up
#4 Mock-Up