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Only One Action From Freedom

A picture is worth a 1000 words! Can you see how close you actually are the freedom and joy you desire in your life?!

You’re so close you can see it, smell it, and practically touch it. But there seems to be an unseen scary force keeping you from taking the action you need in order to break free and stay free. What if you had a pair of wire cutters with you all the time, but didn’t know how to use them, or that you even had access to them?

So too is real life. You already have access to freedom and an amazing and abundant life. The wire cutters to break off the bondages are already yours and available to use whenever you choose. But you must choose. You must want your freedom and truly know that an amazing abundant life is available to YOU.

To help you see what your barbed wire is and get a clearer picture of where your wire cutters are to snip through to breakthrough, I’ve put together a quick valuable exercise. Take a minute to stop and do this so you can take that leap of faith in one area of your life, then another and another. Snip, snip, snip! Now you are free!

1. Choose an area of your life that does not seem to be working for you right now, where you feel weighed down, stuck, indecisive, or that something is blocking you from moving forward. Write that down. Describe your thoughts and feelings around it.

2. List all the excuses that have been piling up and keeping you from moving forward. List every one.

3. How would your life be different if you did bust through this invisible wall or prickly place? What does it look like and feel like on the other side? Describe this in as much detail as possible.

4. Now revisit your excuses. Would you be willing to trade all of them for this new place you’d like to go?

5. What price are you paying by staying where you are and not moving ahead? Is it worth it? Are you willing to continue to trade your future good place for your paltry excuses? You get to decide now. So write down your choice:

____ Yes, I commit to letting go, letting God do his work in me, and breaking free to the abundant life he lovingly designed for me! I will do my part to move forward!

____ No, I don’t want it enough, as I enjoy playing the victim role here and the attention it brings me. I’d rather stay in a familiar place, even though it’s not comfortable, and let fear and my moods and emotions and past memories control me.

Yay! I want to celebrate with you if you have chosen to move forward into freedom – snip, snip, snip!

But if not or if you are still afraid to let go in some areas (we all struggle with that at times), I’d like to help clarify what you’re choosing right now.

This is your line in the sand. You are either choosing one or the other by your actions and choices. There is no middle ground. Since you have chosen, you no longer have any more excuses to blame anyone else for where you are right now and where you’re choosing to stay for the moment.

Even though fear may loom as a big obstacle, it is easily busted by you simply taking a step toward it, taking continued action in spite of how you feel, and you will shortly pass through the fear and be on the other side of the unknown and into the known. Just decide to get that uncomfortable place over with, like the first day at a new job or school or place. The next time to go there, you feel much more at home.

If you still cannot see a clear path to move ahead, perhaps the solutions you see are too limited. Bring in some wise counsel and help from someone who sees things objectively and can uncover some possibilities with you to move forward. There may be beliefs, experiences, and assumptions from the past that are holding you back. Knowing which ones to let go of will help you break free. This is an area I can help you with also, so feel free to reach out to me for help here.

When your perspective and vision is above the rut, you can see clearer where you want to be and even perhaps a better way to get out of it. So lift your head, my dear friend, and look out and up, not down and in. You will be encouraged, strengthened and empowered to bust out both ends of that rut and gain some ground to your best life!

God’s Words to encourage you:

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13, NIV

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV

Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low.
The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. – Luke 3:5, NIV (quoting a passage from Isaiah)

When God is on your side, who can stand against you? Choose to get on God’s side, if you haven’t already! He is waiting to love and lift you into the amazing life he has designed uniquely for you. It is a freeing life, not one bound by judgments, tight rules, guilt or shame. Jesus came not only to fulfill the letter of the law but to bring the spirit of the law of love as our new covenant or agreement with God. So we are now living under the law of LOVE, which moves naturally in us, helping us to live according to the best ways God created us. Here we function at our highest levels of joy, peace, love, flowing into a giving life. Living from the overflow of love in our hearts brings amazing results as we relate to others in a way that was not previously possible. This is part of our life well-lived and will go on to be our legacy. Will you step up and receive your fullest, best and free life?

If you would like to talk with me about any of these concepts or find out about the Breakthrough Coaching programs I offer, just CONTACT me and let me know what is on your heart. My greatest desire is to serve you in breaking free and living that amazing life every day!

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