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People Are Waiting For Your Gifts!

You are more valuable than you may think. The total package that makes you unique – your personality,  gifts & abilities, beliefs & perspectives, even your looks, and so much more – all contribute to the value of who you are and what you have to give to others just by showing up and being you.

For example, you may have a passion to teach. Along with that gift comes the desire to learn everything you can – either about one main subject or a variety of things. Your passion shows up by you either teaching on a on-to-one basis in everyday life, sharing your knowledge with those you care about, being a problem solver, contributing to the conversation when you have something helpful to say, or being a school teacher, professor, writer, speaker, blogger, TV show host, or any number of professions or jobs your passion and skill can evolve into.

Are you an encourager? It’s amazing to see how easy it is to encourage someone in so many different ways: just by spending a few minutes with them – listening, sharing their feelings or thoughts, helping them solve a problem, or serving them in some way. More intensive relationships can involve teaching and mentoring them in some way as well. Many of my friends encourage others by sending a greeting card or text message or calling them during times when they feel treasured or comforted by the personal contact. Stopping by with a meal, some special treats, or some small but thoughtful gift for those going through rough times are so much appreciated as well when it’s appropriate.

These gifts may seem small, but they can be strategic and uplifting, bringing hope, comfort or love at just the right time.

What do most of your friends or co-workers seem to thank or praise you most for? Your gifts leave clues – with tracks of love all over people’s lives you have touched throughout the years.

What difference could you make by knowing your best gifts, and planning how to give them more intentionally to those who need them?

The world is waiting for who you are being and how you are expressing your love gifts…

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