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Plan on Going Higher This Coming Year?

This is the time of year many of us are reviewing the past year and setting our sights on new goals and dreams for the new year. This year, why not set yourself up for true success in reaching the goals and dreams you have for 2017?

When you come from the right place mentally, where you set your mind and keep it set, you are more than likely going to have what you desire come to fruition. You will have the vision and the fuel to far surpass those wishing and hoping as they make their New Year Resolutions and watch them quickly fizzle out.

Resolve to Receive a new way of thinking and being. Believe and bet on yourself and your dreams. Value them and allow them to unfold as you think higher thoughts, build stronger more supportive habits,  and act from the flow of an expanded no-limits person that you will step into.

Here’s an exercise that, if taken seriously and reviewed often, will propel you to where you truly desire to go this next year and beyond.

If you knew that you could achieve your loftiest goal for this next 12 months, what goal would you set?
Take a moment to write that down before you continue reading this…

Now let’s go higher – right up to that place where you have now accomplished this amazing goal.
How does it feel to be there? (Write this down too – it’s more important than you know.)

  • Next question: Looking back, what did you have to do to get here?
  • What challenges did you overcome, what obstacles came up that you climbed over or went around?
  • Who helped and supported you on your journey?
  • What new things did you have to learn to get to this great place?
  • How did you have to grow personally to be the person who has accomplished this goal?
  • What areas of resistance came up that you wanted to say “No” to but stepped out of your comfort zone to just do it anyway?
  • What are you most happy and proud about now that you’ve completed this goal?
  • Where to next? What can this new place be the stepping stone to – for bigger and even more amazing and aligned goals to the next place?

I promise you that if you take the time and give it the thought it deserves, coming from the space and mindset of having already accomplished anything you desire, your life will never be the same! You will radiate such confidence, power and passion in your life that you will attract others to support you on your endeavor.

The most amazing thing I’ve found is that when you step into the place of Future Me, your dreams and goals seem to speed up. Support from all directions appears quickly to fly you into the Future Me person acting in the present. Your Future Me becomes your more alive and energized Present Me. You will be surprised and delighted with most of the people’s reactions around you – and just forget about the rest. They won’t get it until they see it. And even then, they still might not get it! So just focus on who you are being and where you are going and why.

Your future and Higher Heights are waiting for you Today! Receive and activate them!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11, NIV

Click to read it here online in context.

SUGGESTION: Feel free to copy and past the above questions into a Word document or other and print them out to answer and record your thoughts. Post the summary of these answers where you can review it everyday. It will keep you motivated, focused, and moving ahead, as you activate and align your thoughts and actions with the Future Me who has already accomplished what you set out to do. Let me know how it’s going, or what your lofty goal is on the Facebook page here. I believe in you!

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