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Savoring The Moments

Hustling and bustling more than usual lately?

My recommendation? Have yourself a little cookie and tea Savor-y time!

Put on the kettle (or microwave!) and just take a moment of reflection and refreshment for your body, soul and spirit.

Ahhh!!! Feelin’ good! Breathing slower and deeper now…

Not only will this be a gift to yourself first, but the results will pass forward to others to whom the overflow of the blessings in your soul will flow over. (That’s a whole lotta flowing over going on!)

You are blessed to be a blessing. So decide to take a moment and receive the blessings that are all around you, just waiting to be tasted and savored.

Now it’s time to say a heartfelt “Thank You, God!” for all of his amazing blessings, grace, love and mercy in your life.

If you don’t feel it, then stay there until you do, because it has definitely been provided to you. Ask God, your loving Heavenly Father, to reveal it to you. He is waiting to flood your heart and soul with all the unconditional love that you can stand being lavished upon you.

Tea and cookies will never have tasted so good, when you savor the whole experience like this!

For more savory experiences, click the links to read the full passages:

For the Lord longs to be gracious to you… – Isaiah 30:18-19

If you have need of anything, just ask – He already knows what you need! – Matthew 6:7-8

No need to worry about anything – God’s already got it covered! – Matthew 6:25-34

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