Home » Breaking Free » Staying Out of the Guilt, Shame, Judgment and Condemnation Zone

Staying Out of the Guilt, Shame, Judgment and Condemnation Zone

Ever wondered what it would be like to feel totally free – to have NO guilt or shame, or feel NO judgment or condemnation pulling you down?

Want to find out? Take a moment to do this simple exercise with me now…

> Stop and breathe in deeply, filling yourself up with that free open space where there is nothing holding you back, weighing you down, examining or holding you up to some standard of measurement. Drink in that place of freedom in your heart, mind, body, and spirit.

>  Now breathe out slowly, letting everything but that judgment-free place go.

>  Breathe in again – and this time breathe in Total and Unconditional LOVE for yourself. You are both known and loved – the good and bad – and you are not judged, not condemned, just immersed in love from head to toe. Nothing from your past is there to haunt you. No possibilities of anything you could do wrong or mess up in the future is there with you. Whatever the past, present, or future, you are free from the feeling of guilt or shame, judgment or condemnation. Even in your continued imperfection, even from God’s measuring stick (which is the only one that counts), you are still known and loved just as you are. (Read more about that great love of God for you here – 1 John 4:16-19.)

All the expectations, assumptions, perfectionist thinking, should-haves, could-haves, would-haves, what-ifs, regrets, sorrows, losses – anything that is weighing you down – just let it all go. You don’t need it and shouldn’t be wanting to hold onto it any longer,  now that you think about it, should you? If it takes a few more times of breathing in and out to totally release and let all this go, do so, as you alternately breathe out the toxins and breathe in the love.

This will be a great habit to do daily, or even several times a day till you are in a continual place of freedom that is manifesting itself in your total body. Your muscles and cells have memory of the tensely bound weights they’ve been carrying. So keep this going as long as it takes to reinvigorate your total body. It will bring healing not only to your spirit and soul, but to your mind and body as well.

Got that feeling? How energizing is that? Do you feel now you are filled up with strength and power to do anything you put your mind to? That is often the result of having a clear, free mind and heart, with the cobwebs and ghosts of the past or future swept away. This is the kind of power and freedom God had in mind for us to embody. It is part of living the abundant life he designed for us.

Want to keep it going?! You can choose it any time! This freedom of spirit (or Spirit of Freedom) is a free gift for you. The price has already been paid and God has made it totally freely available for you today. (Read about being set free here – John 8:31-36)

Actually his purposes in the world are better served and embodied by those who accept this gift and walk in freedom. It is the way our Creator designed us to live: Worry-free and without all the baggage we often pile upon ourselves so needlessly.

If you’ve found yourself heavily burdened from the past, from feeling you haven’t measured up in some way, or worried you may fail to live up to someone’s expectations in the future, do yourself – and the world – a favor by allowing your burdens to be lifted and removed by God’s grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love for you. After all, he knows you intimately – what you’ve done and thought about, and what you may do in the future – and yet he loves you without any conditions.

There is nothing you can do to make God love you more. There is also nothing you can ever do or have done that can make him love you less. When you get a grasp on that, you will be truly freed!

You will be walking away from the Guilt, Shame, Judgment, and Condemnation Zone. I call it “living in the NO GSJC ZONE!”

Won’t you join me there – as we allow ourselves to be free to live in Victory and Power and Love Every Day? It’s amazing how much of a blessing you will be to others without even trying, once your heavy burden is laid to rest… You can step into the YOU you were designed to be, to be free to give your best gifts to the world, to live and love without worrying about pleasing others or even God. He is already in love with you and has created you to be free.

To solidify these thoughts and read more about God’s love and plan for your freed life, click below for a special passage. You may enjoy it more in these two different translation links:
Romans 8:1-4-NIV
Romans 8:1-4-The Message

For more help to break free and live in victory with power and love, go through the program I’ve put online for you, with more in depth teachings and ways to make these truths a part of your every day experience. Click here for info and link to the program.

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