Home » Breakthrough Thinking » The Colors of Your Life – What Rainbows Are Made Of

The Colors of Your Life – What Rainbows Are Made Of

lfwds-rnbwscolorsI believe we need all the colors in our life to paint the most beautiful picture for others to see. Even the dark and drab colors have their purpose. They make the brighter ones pop even more. That’s one thing I learned in my oil painting classes.

The same goes for the colors of situations in your life. The darkest days can make the ordinary simple things pop with the vibrancy of gratitude and joy when even the tiniest stream of light comes in to brighten a day. And when the darker days give way to clearer skies and happier times, the peace from knowing you can survive those dark times can be enough to enhance your enriched and more colorful view of life. It’s colored days like those that bring wisdom and heightened sensitivity to others’ dark times. The light you’ve gained from coming through can shine out and encourage others in the dark places you’ve been.

With each period of calmer or darker days then turning into brighter colored ones, you become more able to let the light shine through you. The new transparency arising from your authentic inner nature becomes a thing of beauty. As you pass through the trials and allow grace, peace and love to flood your heart, it brings you through to the light with God’s presence shining brightly in you.

Also through those darker times, the more you lean on God to comfort and guide you, the more of his nature ingrains itself in you. The more you gaze on the Father and his Son, the more of his light is reflecting to you. Eventually, others gazing on you can see the pure light of heaven reflecting and emanating from you too. Your life becomes a rainbow of beautiful colors – both transparent and reflective.

As you allow the light to bend and bounce in different directions as it passes through you, the true beauty from the colors of your life will continue to amaze and encourage others. Let your light and life shine, that they may see God in you!

If you seem to be having more darker days than vibrant ones, look into the Programs I’ve put together to help you live in Victory, Power and Love  and to Breakthrough To Your Blessings! To get your Breakthrough started, sign up on the right for your free Breakthrough To Blessings ebook, along with our complimentary periodic newsletter with more encouragement 1-2 times a month. Plus, for the latest and greatest, click here to visit the Facebook page.

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