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The FAVOR Bubble

The FAVOR of God is upon you today!

Where do you need favor? God is waiting to pour out his blessings on you in every area. This is his abundant design for your life – his plans are to prosper you in every area of your life – to give you a hope by knowing his love and good plans for you and enabling you to walk confidently and boldly in his favor.

Replace your fear in that area for a declaration of God’s favor all over the situation. Declare his favor. Recount the times in the past when you’ve experienced his favor. Let those times, other’s testimonies of blessings and favor, and his Word speak life and blessings into the situations that concern you the most.

Walk today in a Favor Bubble. Like a magnet, anyone who is in your Favor Bubble zone can’t help but extend you favor! Walk in this bubble everyday and thank God in advance for his favor in every situation.

Here are some words of love straight from God’s heart to yours today. Receive them as the first installment today of evidence that his favor is truly all over your life!

Jeremiah 29:11  God has great plans for you – to bless you in all areas!

Psalm 41:11 Read the whole Psalm 41 if you are in need of healing in some area today. His promise for you here is powerful!

 Access to God’s favor – 3 passages – for well-being, for dwelling, for help or saving from something troubling you

Example of Favor showing up to position and empower for good works  (Ezra 7:27-28)

This is the YEAR of God’s Favor! – you may want to read all of this chapter of Isaiah 61

Isaiah 61 is a powerful chapter that shows how God’s favor is in every area of your life – your family, health, finances, safety, and your calling and purpose.

Agree with what GOD has to say about your life – the gifts and abundance and Fruit of the Spirit he wants to pour all over you TODAY and Every Day! His design for you is to live out of the overflow of his blessings, so you are no longer limping along in life, but are set free to be a blessing, not a burden, to others.

Will you accept God’s favor for you today? If so, the following are important steps to do now:

  2. Start THANKING him that his favor and blessings are already here now and begin looking for the evidence of them to show up.
  3. Get your JOURNAL ready to start writing, as the flow is already making its way toward you. You are going to document the goodness and favor of God in YOUR Life! Not just for your benefit, but to pass the blessings on to others. God’s favor and blessings are contagious!
  4. Keep reminding yourself that you are walking in God’s Favor Bubble! People cannot help but be good to you. Situations that have looked hopeless are turning around for you. Solutions are being released from the heavenly atmosphere into your present and soon-to-be-present reality. The connections to make these blessings show up have already been set in motion.
  5. Start sharing the testimony of God’s favor in your life with others. We all need your words and proof of God’s continuing work in the world to stay encouraged!

I look forward to hearing about what God is up to in your life! 😉

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