The Power of Declaring God’s Truth About You
- 12
- Sep
Any given day we can get stuck in the muck and mire of life’s sticky little problems and annoyances. We can sputter and flail in a sea of overwhelm or confusion and have a hard time seeing clearly. Sometimes we can even get lost and forget who we are and what our life is supposed to be about. With all the voices shouting loudly from every direction, even as those following Christ and wanting to listen to guidance from the Holy Spirit, we can easily get sidetracked. Our minds can take us places so subtly that if we are not constantly on guard, we will find ourselves in a place we’d rather not be – emotionally, spiritually, relationally or even physically.
What kind of radical transformation would happen if you could know beyond a shadow of a doubt – deep down in the cells of your being:
- how God sees you
- what he wants for you
- what to ask him for
- how to ask to receive the blessings he has in store for you…
And WHAT IF you then got into agreement with him and said YES! – that you are ready to accept those blessings and gifts into your life NOW?
Recently I came across a powerful video. Although it was first published about 3 years ago, it is just as powerful today as then, as it is built on biblical principles. It contains paraphrases of God’s promises that we are to speak out and declare as DONE in our lives.
I’ve experienced how powerful this is to call into being the things that are not as though they are – to release heaven to earth, as Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer. This is so important it is one of my top priorities to keep my life on track.
Being a master of your mind, reigning in your thoughts and emotions, and “taking every thought captive” is a way to victorious living.
What if you could read what God says about you and actually believe and embrace it as truth in your life – in EVERY AREA? Can you see how that could usher a new way of thinking and being into your present reality, especially over time and with constant repetition until you got it down in your bones?!
When you view this video, you will see the difference immediately between what YOU are saying about yourself and your life and what GOD is saying about you.
Which version of your life will you choose?
If God’s version, I suggest you make watching this video a daily habit – even if you chunk it down into three sessions about 5 minutes each, even as you have your three meals a day. Five minutes at breakfast, lunch, and dinner to feed your soul the right spiritual food will do wonders for your spiritual – and physical – vibrancy!
Or listen to it all at once first thing in the morning to set your day and again just before bed to sink these promises down into your spirit and mind.
In 30 days of doing this consistently, you will NOT recognize your life. I guarantee it! After all, God said it!
Life changing indeed!
I KNOW you will want to share this with someone you love and transform from glory to glory together!