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The TIME Of Your Life

“What a difference a day makes – 24 little hours…” 

Remember that song? Or the one that says, If I could put time in a bottle…

These songs certainly do chronicle the need to pay attention to the moment, and to make sure we are filling our days up with things we value.

TIME to ask yourself: When what you are filling your time with TODAY is over with, will you be looking back on today and cherishing the memories you made? Or feeling proud about the things you worked on that set you up to reach an amazing goal that means something to you? Or will it instead have been another day that just fades into oblivion with many others?

TIME is the one commodity that once gone can never be retrieved. You either spend and invest it or waste it on something meaningless or frivolous.

YOU DECIDE – each second, each hour, each day, each week, month and year. Every second really does count, as they all add up to a lifetime of moments.

This time of year is an especially great time to look back on the previous year and forward to the new year ahead. It is time to assess and weigh. Assess the accomplishments, the memories, the activities that supported your highest values. Values like quality family (or loved one) time, your personal work or business/entrepreneurial goals, time freedom, happiness, satisfaction, self-worth and value, fulfillment and purpose goals, and any other values or goals mix you want to name.

Weigh the results you normally experience (your everyday life and what keeps showing up for you) against the values you say you treasure and want most in your life.

Here’s an example for you:
Let’s say you value Time Freedom the most.
What your current life may look like is working 10-16 hour days, hardly having a moment to breathe, as you tell yourself you’re working and sacrificing now for your future time freedom.

But what if there was a way you could have your time freedom now?
If it was your number one priority value and goal, you may consider:
– delegating or outsourcing some tasks
– being more efficient in your job
– reorganizing your business to build in more time freedom
– setting up better systems that support your business goals automatically
– setting your priority time off hours, days and weeks first before you plan your year’s activities
– getting a different job that meets your requirements
– taking your skills and freelancing them
– being a consultant in your field
-> any of these rather than tying yourself down to a crazy schedule or corporate lifestyle, which can be a killer to your personal goals.

Now take all of the input from the above reflections and tune up the data to make it happen with these action-oriented questions:

  • If you could live your perfect day everyday, what would that look like?
  • How can you move toward making that happen more often?
  • What is stopping you from living it now or next month?
  • What do you need to change to get there? (mental, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental, support-wise)
  • What must you value most in order to be living your perfect day?
  • What do you currently value most? (You will know by your current results and activities and where you spend the bulk of your time.)
  • Now put together an action plan to move from here to there, as you honor your highest value and make getting there a priority

Once you go through this and come up with a plan and steps to get there that work for you, you will be living more congruently and in harmony with what you really want and value most. You may be surprised at how much more energy you have to accomplish your daily tasks, and how much lighter, freer and more peaceful you feel when you are living this way!

Living in alignment with your highest goals – and compressing time so you can get there – all can work to assure you enjoy more of your Perfect Days everyday!

If you would like help in sorting through your values and priorities, coming up with a design for your Perfect Day, living on purpose giving your best gifts, and loving your life, say YES to yourself by contacting me for a complimentary “Design Your Perfect Day” session. We”ll work together to get clear on what you truly do want, uncover what’s stopping you, and open up the possibilities to explore what’s really possible in living the life you desire. CONTACT ME Now for your appointment.

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