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Three Bones

I saw this quote in a couple of places recently and thought how helpful it can be to remember.

We definitely  need to take the time to dream, and then to take the appropriate action steps to move forward to it. But sometimes we get stuck along the way. Stepping back, taking a breath in and taking a moment to release some of that frustration through a laugh or smile can surely help a little!

Here are a few more thoughts about each “Bone.”

    1. Wishbone: Ya gotta have a dream! It’s a great mental and emotional exercise to be able to stretch your mind and imagination and keep the creative juices flowing. Having a bigger picture and destination goal for sometime in the future can keep you moving forward with a clear vision on why you are doing what you’re doing every day. Give yourself permission to fly and create and express today!
    2. Backbone: Once you have a dream destination and a plan to get there, you need to be able to not only follow through, but to stick with it long enough to make it happen. Knowing there will be challenges along the way gives you more strength and insight to get over or move through obstacles that pop up. Often these apparent stumbling blocks are just new opportunities in disguise. And they can be testing you to see if you want it enough to commit and dedicate to doing whatever it takes.
      A spine does not stay upright and rigid all the time. It can bend and move. It also needs rest and care. Be firm in your destination but flexible in how you get there.
    3. Funny Bone: Hitting your funny bone can really hurt and tingle for awhile! But even though the unexpected bumps may come, it definitely helps to maintain a sense of humor through it all. Take yourself lightly. Learn to laugh at your mistakes or foibles. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel you took a wrong turn or goofed up in some way. Realize that these can be blessings in disguise and will help you get to a better place than you first imagined. Love and respect yourself in spite of that. Be good to yourself. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. And don’t forget to enjoy laughter and joy in celebrating along the way! Every small victory celebrated reinforces your dream and strengthens you to keep moving ahead to your inevitable success.

So pick up your 3 bones today and start moving, grooving and rattling with purpose and strength in your heart! (If you want your bones rattled, see below for a special promise for you!)

This passage comes to mind and may encourage you today if you feel you may be in a valley of dry bones: Ezekiel 37:1-14   Click to open passage in Bible Gateway.

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