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Want To Break Through To A Better Life?

We all have them: Days we dream of a better life, getting out of our same-old same-old routine, making faster progress toward a long-held dream…

pxby-dream-scrabbleWouldn’t it be nice to just get unstuck, stop feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, or break out of that one habit pattern that keeps cropping up and putting the brakes on everything?

Over the years I’ve studied to understand myself and others – why you and I do the things we do, and how to change our life in order to be, do and have the life we really desire and know somewhere deep down inside truly is possible for each of us.

What I’ve discovered is that the thoughts, beliefs and emotions going round and round in your head play a huge part in keeping you stuck, playing small, and living in fear or in regret over past mistakes.

Even if you are a Christian or follow biblical principles for life, you still can have those same challenges. Whether you address the saboteur of your dreams as the devil or your sub-conscious at work to keep you safe and not rocking the boat, there are still multiple layers to consider when you desire to make changes in your life.

pxby-puzzle-closeupI like to view things holistically, as the “puzzle pieces” of your life come from different places with different parts to play. Looking at the whole person, there are the physical, emotional, mental, social-relational, soul desires, and spiritual aspects to consider. The physical part can include your body chemistry and reactions to foods you eat, and to the environment around you. Even your intuition and hunches come from a combination of all of these factors at a sub-conscious level.

Everything plays a part and works together to either keep you stuck or breaking through to make positive changes on various levels.

When you acknowledge that every facet and dimension of you plays a part in your daily decisions and choices, you may start to unravel more of the mystery of you – and your fellow humans as well! Your life can improve a lot when you gain further understanding of your patterns of thinking and acting, plus how your emotions and even your physical state all work together to create your life experience every day.

Instead of having situations that keep coming around to hit you over the head, you will see how greatly your thoughts and words can determine what happens in your life.

Thoughts become words based on beliefs which lead to actions. Actions lead to consequences and results from the behaviors and habits you take on.

Image of a frustrated or tired young brunette rubbing temples

Image of a frustrated or tired young brunette rubbing temples

Did you know that your thoughts and words, whether worries, fears, or positive expectation, can and do act as self-fulfilling prophecies in your life?

That is how important it is to start to Think About What You’re Thinking About. Determine when those negative thoughts pop up whether or not you want to bring the reality of them to life. If not, then just say NO! or Not! (I like to cross my two index fingers together in an X as I say outloud “Not!”) By doing so, you are putting your foot down and choosing not to allow those things to have space in your head or to appear in your real life. You are now in charge of your thoughts!

As a young mother, I had to learn to stop worrying about my husband and children when they were not with me. I would often find myself visualizing something bad that might happen to them. I had to stop and release that negative image from my mind, saying “Not!” I would then bring in a new image of them being safe and happy. Then I thanked God that he loved them even more than I did and knew what was best for them and for me. I knew I had to trust him to take care of them and release them into his care.

That took a lot of the pressure off me, so I could do what I needed to do and have peace, joy and the energy to do what I needed to do, and to be my best each day. After all, about 95% of what we worry about never happens. So why waste the energy and stay all stirred up for no good reason?!

Get in the habit of this and you will turn your life around as you turn your thoughts around into positive declarations of what you really DO want. Prophesy only the BEST for your life!


If you desire to live a life with more Victory, Power, and Love in your life, check out the program I’ve put together for you. I developed this for some small groups I’ve been involved with, and I am constantly adding, changing and updating it to make it better, easier to implement, and more practical for you.

Sharing the giftThis is meant to be shared! The principles are too important and life changing to keep to yourself! Find a friend and start going through this and encouraging each other.

Isn’t it time to stop the struggling every day, and gain victory over your thoughts and anything that can come against you?

Are you ready to feel confident as you bust through fears and past regrets and whatever else is holding you back?

Is it your desire to know who you are and to walk with more boldness to fulfill your calling and share your best gifts with the world?

If so, check it out and download any parts of it you’d like with my compliments under the Programs tab.

In the meantime, Walk In Your Blessings!

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