Waterfalls in the Desert
- 03
- May
No matter what level you’re on in the journey, God’s provisions for your needs are already there for you. Whatever you need, he’s got this for you! It could be protection and a safe place to live, a productive job, career or project, or even refreshment and rest.
This brings to mind the Bible’s mention of waterfalls or streams in the desert (Isaiah 32:2, Isaiah 35:5-7). Water in the middle of a dry place can be a much-needed resource to quench your thirsty body and soul, as well as lifting you up and energizing you to move forward into the place you are called to be. It is also necessary for growth.
People in ancient times would always be sure to settle near water so they could grow crops and sustain life for themselves and their livestock.
I was reminded of these things on my recent visit to En Gedi in Israel. It is known for its lovely waterfalls flowing from fresh springs. The thing is, it is located right in the middle of some rocky almost desert-like country near the Dead Sea. Most of the water nearby was brackish and too salty for use. Few freshwater sources were available in that area.
It was known as an oasis in the desert and sustained David as he was trying to stay safe from Saul’s men. In fact, in a cave at this location, David cut off a piece of Saul’s robe as he slept. (For more information on En Gedi, visit www.BiblePlaces.com/engedi/)
There are various levels to climb up and view the different streams, ponds, and waterfalls – from the lower ones gushing over huge boulders and splashing kids and tired mommas, while they enjoy the freshness and delight inspired by the not-too-heavy spray flowing down.
Or you may be one who will rise to the challenge of hiking up to the highest point, where your rocky trek is rewarded by the cooldown of the highest falls and the most spectacular views.
The lesson in this for me was: God already knows what you need – even if it’s just to be led by the quiet waters, the still places for the soul so you can be quiet and rest and drink in whatever you need in the comfort and safety and peace of that special place with the Shepherd of your soul.
Perhaps is a day you long for that fresh water to be poured over you!
Is your soul thirsty for more of the Living Water of God? Are you needing God’s cool refreshing for your soul – both to drink and to drench yourself in – to saturate your parched body or spirit?
Sometimes we just need to be reminded that Jesus came to bring rest and refreshment for your soul. Bring your requests to him and let him splash his love and joy and peace – all his blessings – over your soul and spirit today!
Splash around a bit with him in the flow. That’s quite alright too! If it involves moving your body and dancing around a bit like a little child, your Father will smile with you and delight in you letting go of your dusty garments and heavy backpack along on your journey. Isn’t it past time?!
Take that moment of refreshing now. It is his gift to you in this moment, if you choose to receive it!
And along with that freshness, you will have the vision and energy for growth and new life springing up where you have been dry and unproductive.
Psalm 23 is a great reminder and comfort that your Loving Shepherd is always leading you to the best places where and when you need them. Check it out in The Message version for a new perspective here!