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What Are You Thinking About?

What are you thinking about most?

Are you expecting good things and looking for blessings, breakthroughs and miracles to unfold? Or are you waiting for the other shoe to drop, piling up all the things that are not working for you or that you’re worried will go wrong soon?

Perhaps you haven’t really thought about what you’re thinking about most of the time.

Surprising findings indicate that even the people who thought they were mostly positive in their thoughts still had around 30-40% of negative thoughts running through their mind every day.

The important point is what you DO with those thoughts – how much time you give to entertaining them and getting emotionally involved with the outcomes they could generate.

You may have heard the saying: “Change your thoughts to change your life.”

I’ve found this to be true on so many levels.

You’ve probably seen this work when the vibes you give off, whether positive or negative, attract or repel people and determine their action or reaction toward you. That can impact what happens to you that you may not even be aware you are facilitating.

Let me give you an example of this.  Have you ever approached someone who you normally enjoyed being with, but they were in a funk of sorts, and you just decided not to hang out and get in there with them in that attitudinal state? Think of the blessings and fun time they could have had with you that they just repelled and had pass them by.

On the other hand, there have been people who have been positive and passionate about what they were doing and saying. They drew me in to their space and made it interesting and fun to be with them. I may have even bought what they were selling, whether it was a product, service, or their own belief in something good. In this situation we were both blessed and benefited.

I love this picture above of the boy looking out the bus window, which also shows a reflection of him inside. From our perspective, he could be gazing at himself. But he probably doesn’t even see that reflection – only the exciting view whizzing by outside. However, he could choose to just stare at his reflection and miss all the action going on by just a tilt of his head and eyes.

What are YOU choosing to focus on today? What view of life do you have? What direction are the thoughts popping in and out of your head pulling you in?

Are you excited by the possibilities of each day, and are continually grateful for all that comes your way? What comes your way will continue to be blessings and joy, for it is what you are feeding, expecting and choosing.

Do you continually see problems and even when things are going well, you are thinking this is too good to last? You will be right! Lots of problems will keep coming your way because you’re looking for them, expecting them, and making them welcome. When you focus on the negatives and worst case scenarios, worries, and fears, they tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies.

This may be hard for you to hear, but you need to pay attention and make some changes to the thoughts you allow yourself to entertain if you truly desire things to get better in life and stay better! (Don’t worry! There’s help! See special resources below for you.)

I’m not saying there won’t be times of trials or misfortunes. But thinking so much about the “what if’s” and possible negative outcome potential only robs any joy or blessing from the present moment. The present is all you have. The future will have its own set of good and not so good naturally occurring. But if you believe that no matter what happens, that everything truly does work together for your good, and that God is good and only wants what’s best for you… that should make you breathe easier and sleep sounder!

(Remember & click to read Romans 8:28 plus the whole chapter 8, which really puts things in context.)

If you would like to read more on this topic and start “Thinking About What You’re Thinking About,” go through my “Living in Victory, Power, and Love Everyday” program at no charge at this link. Part 1 starts right off on that topic. Enjoy as you learn and do and keep thinking right thoughts about your life. Don’t get stuck believing lies and living in defeat! You can CHOOSE – so Choose LIFE for yourself today and every day!

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