Home » Breaking Free » What’s Your Super Power?

What’s Your Super Power?

It seems the latest buzz word people are tossing around is about everyone’s “Super Power.” You may have seen them on mugs and t-shirts or elsewhere – things like “I’m a Nurse. What’s your Super Power?” – or a Mom, Fireman, Teacher, Electrician, Student – you get the idea.

I guess it relates back to all the action heroes and comic book figures we grew up with that have evolved through the years into various modern day men or women of action on the big screen.

Growing up I always enjoyed the exploits of Superman and Lois Lane. It doesn’t hurt that my name is Lois and that I’m married to a Clark Kent/Superman guy either! 😉 And most people still get it when I introduce myself as “Lois, Superman’s girlfriend” – just so they can remember my name.

I like to think of a Super Power as something that makes you unique, something you do that seems easy to you, but others struggle with and admire you for it. You can probably think of people you know who do things naturally well and that you sometimes wish you could do easily too. Like playing the piano, singing, being the life of the party, being creative, athletic, a great problem solver… or any number of things.

When you look around and start comparing yourself to others, it’s easy to feel that you don’t measure up or that what you have to offer doesn’t compare. The surprising fact is that most others feel the same way too! We just don’t value our gifts, skills, and talents as we should, so don’t use them or give them for others’ benefit as often as we could. They seem so easy for us that we think they couldn’t possibly be something that everyone else can’t do just as easily.

Really, we are all so different, with no two of us having the same combination of gifts, personalities, perspectives, and so on. So there really can be no comparison to anyone else. You are one of a kind!

Until you begin to realize the unique gifts you have that can benefit others, and how valuable they (and you) are, you could have a bad case of comparison-itis (were there such a thing!). So let’s give the proper value that you and your combination of gifts deserve and call them your Super Power.

What special Super Power do you have to share with the world?

How can you use your best gifts to make a difference today?

How grateful have you been when others used their Super Power to benefit you?

What kind of people are waiting and looking for someone with your Super Power to come and assist them in some way?

Alright! Now that you know and are armed with new power, i.e., knowing what your Super Power is and the value of it for others, go out there and save your world! Find the mission your gifts and powers were intended for and go solve that problem, give that gift, and hear the cheers of your Designer and Super Power Giver!

If you’d like to be reminded more about the importance of your gifts in a spiritual context, and some of the various types of gifts, here is a link to a few passages to refresh your memory.

I’d love to hear your comments and know what YOUR Super Power is! You can comment below and/or on our Facebook page.

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