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When You Need To Know You Matter

If you are the type of person that speaks, writes, performs, ministers, or serves God in some way through your gifts (most of us, I presume!), you can occasionally get worn out and start wondering if any of it matters, or if you’re even doing what you’re supposed to be doing! At times like that, you just need to know you matter, that you are making a positive impact in the world. I get that!

When I’ve had times where I wasn’t sure I was being heard, having any impact or influence positively, or making a difference in anyone’s life, and just wanted some reassurance or validation, I asked God to reveal the truth to me. I knew the source of those self-doubts were likely a combination of the enemy placing thoughts in my mind and the physical state of tiredness I may have felt. But still, I needed to hear from God…

Over the years, I’ve asked for validation a few times. In one answer I received, as I was out grocery shopping, I ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen in a while. She shared some trouble she was going through and I spoke what I felt God laid on my heart to speak to her. Her whole countenance changed and she expressed how that was exactly what she needed to hear that day, to lift her up and give her the strength she needed to move forward. I hugged her and felt the hug of God, as I silently thanked him for meeting my deepest needs and allowing me to bless someone as his answer to them also.

He knows exactly what you need when you need it. And he answers quickly! You don’t have to be on a platform or have the spotlight on you to feel or know you have significance. If you get lost from time to time and haven’t heard the feedback or reinforcement about your value from the world audience, then simply turn to God and thank him that he does see and hear and know your value. He has the best plans to flow through you mightily as you stay plugged in to his love. And I know you would frankly be most surprised if you really knew how much impact even your presence has on the people around you every day. Your actions and your reactions speak volumes. What you say or don’t say leaves an impression.

When you receive his love and allow it to flow out through you, knowing God is the only audience whose attention and love you need, then you are more seen and heard and impactful than you could ever imagine. Allow God’s love in to heal and fill your deepest needs, even for significance or recognition. As you do, God’s light shines brighter in you and that is what draws people to you. His blessings will be dripping off you and others will just want to be in your presence to receive them!

What a great picture of God’s love and faithfulness to us through our daily walk! I pray you will claim this as your own more fully today, as you cling to the Vine for your nourishment, feast on him to delight and fatten your soul, and praise him that the enemy is worried enough about you to pester you even for one moment! We have the victory!

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