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Your Reactions Are Showing

This is probably something you don’t hear much any more, but did you ever hear someone say, “Pardon me, but your slip is showing!”

They were trying to be helpful and keep you from embarrassing yourself, or losing your slip altogether (which I actually had happen on one occasion!).

One of the classic comedians, I believe it was Groucho Marx, used that line in reference to a “slip up” or mistake his counterpart made. I remember my Dad making use of that line to make light of areas where we had goofed up. His understanding, love and forgiveness was always ready to go in those instances.

How would you react if someone pointed out a mistake or you discovered your slip or slip up was showing for all to see? Would you be so embarrassed and ashamed and run to hide or deny it altogether – or even get angry that someone had the gall to point it out to you?

How you choose to react instinctively is a reflection of where your head and heart are. You can change what you habitually choose – even in your automatic reactions – by first becoming aware of them, then choosing to get to the root of them and make some changes.

I recall the incident where I was on stage and my slip just slipped halfway down my legs. I knew that I either had to pull it back up (which I could not properly do on stage) or let it go completely down so I would be free of it and able to walk off the stage when I was finished singing (I was with a group, I believe). So I grabbed and pulled it quickly down to my feet and side-stepped out of it till I was finished what I needed to do on stage. Then with one quick bend to pick it up, I grabbed it and carried it off with me. I could have hammed it up and made a bigger joke out of it, but I was in a church and did not desire to be any more of a distraction, so just walked off nonchalantly.

I know that in years before then, I would have been totally mortified and may have frozen, worrying so much about what others thought. But as I matured, I didn’t worry so much. It could have happened to anyone, so I made the best of it – and won people’s respect for how I handled it in the long run. I believe that if you laugh at yourself and don’t take yourself so seriously, most others will react the same. And those that don’t, I don’t worry about, as they probably take themselves way too seriously and I’m not buying into that!

We are all judged by others on the way we react to situations. Life is full of surprises, and not all pleasant ones. If you go around blowing up when situations happen, you can get the reputation of an angry, hostile or inflexible person. Your reactions can define who you are being.

Your reactions are also a reflection of what’s going on internally. You may be going through a period of stress, or that may have become unconsciously your lifestyle habit. But when you find yourself reacting to something small with a huge outburst (over-reacting), you can be sure there is something else going on inside you to cause such an outward eruption of emotions.

If this is you – if you find your normal reactions are less than you desire, and your reputation for a short fuse or getting defensive whenever something is pointed out to you is not the way you want to be perceived – then perhaps it is time to examine your reactions.

Let me ask: How do you want to act and react to situations and comments from others?

If you truly want to maintain your composure and not just stifle a low-simmering hostility, it may be time to dig deeper. What is really bothering you under the surface? Are you living a life of tolerations and frustrations and feeling far from your dream life? Have you allowed the hurts from the past to remain and keep feeding them so they are alive and even growing in intensity, thinking life is not fair? Do you feel you are a victim or that life is hard?

All of those attitudes are like leaches and suckers that drain the life out of you and keep the wounds alive and festering without healing. What you think about life is what your reality becomes.

Sure, we all have had times – some more intense or traumatic than others – when life was hard, unfair or we were victimized. But the past unfortunately cannot be changed. You can only make up for the losses of the past by the gifts you allow yourself to receive and to give in this present moment. That will determine not only your present happiness, but your future.

Once you let the past pains and trials go, along with all the heaps of emotional baggage tied to it, and forgive as needed (including yourself), your life and reactions will change. You will begin to unclench your fists, let the normal everyday stresses flow more easily off your back, and feel better about life and about yourself.

When you can relax and breathe, you’ll find your reactions will be much more positive. When you believe that it all works out for the best, and you don’t need to stay stuck anywhere, your outlook changes, along with your automatic reactions.

Now pull up your “slip” and smile about the wonderful life you are choosing to react to!

If you need more insights and help with getting to the root causes and issues behind your reactions, you may want to download and go through the “Living in Victory, Power, and Love Everyday” course available here for you. I am also available to help you get real results in your life by working toward your purpose goal. Often your mindset and thought patterns get in the way of making the real progress you are capable of. If you would like help to move ahead in your business and/or life goals, contact me for a complimentary consultation to help you identify the next steps to take toward your goals and dreams.

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