Lessons From Masada – Part 2
- 25
- Apr
I wonder about the dreams those Jewish rebels living in Masada had for themselves and their families…
And I wonder about the dreams in me that are struggling to be heard and given life to, but that I am somehow fighting by unconscious fears or resisting doing what I know I should do to nurture and bring them forth.
How about you? Is there something you are struggling to figure out or bring forth in your life?
Perhaps you, by your actions or inaction, have already made the decision to kill your dream by staying there – perhaps paralyzed in indecision, lacking clarity or the resources you think you need to move forward. When you are unsure, your energy is low and your defenses are down. It’s easy then, when push comes to shove, or when adversity hits you, to shrink back and allow your dreams to be killed – or at least delayed for a time.
Some other things that can hold us back from moving ahead toward your dreams:
- Doubts, fears, and worries about the hard path you see ahead if you let your foes (fears) overtake you. This could include your dislike at working as a slave under an employer when you would rather be free as an entrepreneur.
- Perhaps you’re chomping at the bit to retire or just feel free to do whatever feels good at the moment.
- You might need money to finance your dream but would rather have more fun and free time than to buckle down and find an additional source of income to finance your dreams.
- You might even be worried about what people will think of you if you pursue your dream and succeed. Sometimes it feels easier to just stay where you are and not rock the boat!
Maybe this struggle against what you want and what you feel you must do to get there is causing you angst. But what if these struggles could put you in places to step up and stretch and grow into the unique place God has for you that you cannot yet see? What if these places lead to positioning you for divine opportunities you could never see or imagine on your own?
Maybe the reason you haven’t forged ahead with even the first little step is because you believe you have a hard path ahead – and that it tires you out even thinking about how hard it will be to go where you want to.
The funny thing is that when you get God’s vision for the next season in your life, his joy and love and purpose energizes you and carries you through those tough times. It helps you overcome inertia and start to gain momentum before you even realize what has happened, as you focus on his voice and take the steps each day he is showing you to take. He makes those crooked places straight, and those steep places like a flat plain to walk through.
That’s what relying on God’s strength and power to get you there does. When he’s fully got your attention, he will be your partner, doing the bulk of the heavy lifting. He will move boulders out of the way and bring you heavenly downloads of creativity and divine connections to get you into places and positions you could never do yourself – and usually way faster than you ever imagined.
Try it! You’ll like it! 😉