Never Say “Never!”
- 01
- May
There are few times in my later life when I have said I would never do a certain thing. I learned from my younger days that those things I thought I would never do I often ended up doing – regretting those things that I did out of desperation during rough times and surprised or disheartened when I realized I never thought I would be in those situations.
From this, I’ve learned instead of judging someone’s actions that may have caused me to say “I’ll never… do or be such and such,” to give them space and grace, saying “There but for the grace of God go I!” And then to pray that God will work in their lives to show them the light in that area – and thank him for the work he is continuing to do in my own life so I can be the best version of me that he wants to bring forth.
I believe that was part of my life lessons on learning the power of what comes out of our mouths. The more emotion we have attached to something, the more it will cause it to come into our lives. I am now much more selective of what I speak forth. I have found what I focus on expands – good or bad! So I choose the good!
Another aspect of saying “I’ll never…” has been in response to thinking about something that I would not really think I would enjoy doing. Or perhaps not think that I could ever do or go to that place, even if I wanted to.
An example of this in college was when I was presented with some choices for a summer missions trip opportunity. I chose to go to Trinidad, which seemed closer and less expensive and even more fun being in the Caribbean. The Far East, Africa, and other trips seemed too far away and less desirable in some way – and a whole lot more expensive. But God has a funny way of working in our lives to teach us more about his nature and the way he wants us to relate to him. The trip to Trinidad was canceled due to some political unrest, and I was offered help to go to Japan instead.
I never thought I would ever get to go to Japan, of all places! This was such a “God thing” as my mother was born to missionary parents there and lived there till she was 14 along with all my aunts and uncles. It turned out I was able to see where she had lived and met people who knew my grandparents. There were so many blessings that summer as I saw God’s hand all over every twist and turn there. Who am I to say “Never!” to what God may have planned to bless me and others through this experience?!
I’ve found that these days when I do say “I’ll never…” and hear those words uttered out of my mouth, that God immediately speaks to me and asks me – “Even if I wanted this for you?” And I have to quickly repent and say, “Yes, Lord! Whatever and wherever you want me to go, I am willing.”
Recently I was in Jerusalem during a tour of the Holy Land. As we walked around the city, we spent quite a bit of time in the temple area and walking through the streets in the market areas of the old city, with its hustle of vendors and bustle of people of all types hurrying by on narrow hilly cobblestone streets.
Later, back on the tour bus, my husband, who doesn’t like crowds or dirty or old places where he doesn’t feel in control, remarked to me, “I would never want to live here.” I quickly agreed with him aloud, but when I did, something in my heart jumped and I got a bit of God’s vision for Jerusalem and his people, and perhaps even for myself.
I recalled how Jesus wept over Jerusalem. He was sad that they could not see and embrace the truth yet, even though he poured his love and life into them – and knew he would be giving his physical life there soon to bring eternal life to them. He also knew Jerusalem would be taken captive and destroyed years later.
In reading and learning more about prophetic words of the end times, Jerusalem is at the center of it all. We walked and touched the now sealed-up Eastern Gate of the walls (pictured left), where it is prophesied that Jesus will come through at his return. What a moment that will be to imagine!
Why would I NOT want to be in the center of where all the action is and where God is moving so mightily?!
I believe God used my spoken words to convict and tenderize my heart more to his plan in the world – and even to connect his heart to mine in a deeper way, as he injects his love for Israel and all his people around the world into my heart.
Yes, I would even leave everything to go live in Jerusalem and feel honored to be part of his plans in that city if he called me to do that. Would you?
Where is your “Jerusalem?”
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